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For all of us who are out for February

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

595 Replies • 11 years ago



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@KejtBlue that's a beautiful story except the 7 year wait. We are one day apart, I'm 3dpo today and still on the February board. I'm so attached to these ladies I had to follow them to the March board.

AFM - my nipples are super sore since 1dpo. I hate when they get sore after ovulation because it doesn't ease until AF comes. It's only happened to me a few times in the past.

11 years ago

Hello ladies -

I hope everyone is doing well!

Bama - you are awesome. Both you and Cristi have made me a much more confident person when it comes to talking about my issues TTC! I was at a family function over the weekend and a family member asked me when DH and I were going to start having kids and I pretty much ended up telling everyone our story. My DH said he was extremely proud of how I handled the situation! My cousin called me later that day and told me about her issues TTC too and said she was so proud of me for being so open and honest. I had suspected she had had issues but she never talked about them so I never knew for sure. Now she has twins that are 2 years I have hope! Here's to March babies! Wahoo!!

Scooby - Ugh, I definitely know how you feel. On the one hand you want to be so happy but on the other hand you are jealous! GL to you!

AFM - not much new to report...just hanging out until we get the 'ok' from the doctor and until I get AF. I have a couple weeks yet until AF arrives. I can't believe I am going to say this but I can't wait until she arrives so we can start trying again! I am ready and raring to go!! Yesterday was the first day I didn't have any pain or discomfort and also didn't have any bloody discharge.

Baby dust to all!!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies!
I am officially joining this board just showed her ugly face. Ugh!! But one day closer to ovulation. FF has charted my last 2 cycles and says they are irregular and that I have a 12 day LP. Today was 13dpo now CD 1!
EDD would be 3/4/14!

This cycle we are trying:
Prenatal with DHA for me
Mens Multivitamin for DH
Fertile CM

Here's to March 2014 Babies!!!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

Sorry to hear the got you Lacey but it seems like you have a very positive attitude and a good plan in place. I hope you get your BFP!

I have a question...for those of you whose men are taking vitamins too what vitamins is he taking? As of right now my DH is just on a generic multivitamin...should he be on something else? I would appreciate any suggestions you guys have. Thanks!

11 years ago

Welcome Kejt and Lacey.

AF is on her way out, yay! I think my new EDD would be March 1st. Wouldn't it be something if I still had a Feb baby? Haha. Either way I'd be happy!

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11 years ago

just waiting on AF to leave. It has been a particularly bad go this time :(

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi hopeful! Thanks I'm trying to be positive. has been a real big witch today and cramps are something awful. I just want a heading pad and couch! Been really heavy today which is Indiana for CD 1 for me. I put DH on a One A Day Men's and made sure it had zinc in it to help those swimmers!

Beatles- glad is leaving can't wait for mine to leave even thought she just showed up!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

Hey Chicas! Lets play a lil game for the fun of it...if u want to participate

Ladies TTC, which I am assuming is all of us! Do you have a preference on having a baby girl or boy, or twins?! I know we all want a healthy baby first of all, but beyond that if we were to have a guaranteed healthy baby, which sex would you wish for? Also, does anyone have a name picked out that they have been having for quite some time, and if you want to share! Or if you're
bouncing around ideas still for boys and girls names.... Could be a fun discussion!!

Also, how many children do you want, total, and does that differ from your significant other?

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11 years ago

I know I am missing some ladies but sorry AF is being so horrible bama. Mine was super long last month. Doesn't help it was my 2nd short cycle in a row.

Beatles...I like this game! What about you? I want a little girl bc my stepson is young and my stepdaughter was older when I met her dad. I only want 1 bc I have 3 stepkids but if it were twins I would be excited. I like the idea my child would have a bff for life. As it stands right now, my baby's closest sibling would be at least 9 years older. I've already picked out names, well possible names for a girl. I love the name Irish name that is pronounced Kiva, Keva or Keeva. I wouldn't keep the Irish spelling bc it would be too hard for anyone to say. We also like Serena, Fiona and some others. I love unusual names and DH does too (not that those were particularly unusual) Don't have any boys names. I'd love to find a Korean inspired name to celebrate DH's heritage.

11 years ago

Great game Beatles!!!! We sincerely want a girl!!! I am the only one of my sibblings with kids that we see (My little brother has 2 but the mother is in Texas and won't have anything to do with us witch!) So for my parents it would be the first grandaughter. For my hubby's parents they have 3 grandaughters that are 15 and 21 and my stepdaughter who is almost 10 and lives in New York (they haven't seen her since she was born) and 6 grandsons (including my son). As for names.... I really love Aubrey Jaye... it came to me in a dream and my middle name is Jaye... I didn't know my dh when my son was born and guess what... they both have the middle name Jason! My son is Brent Jason but called B.J. from the time he was born! There is an emotional connection... my biological father who passed away when I was 4 wanted my brother and I to BJ and CJ but no one called us that after he died... so I picked it back up! His father was AJ and he was Don J (DJ)! As for boy names... I have NO IDEA! Hubby is picky on names, but we are on the same page with the middle name at least! I love Zoey but my ignorant sister-in-law said "oh that is cute" then named her cat that! Sigh! LOL!

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11 years ago

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