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I guess thats that.

Hi my name is Antanika.

I was having so many promising symptoms during the two week wait.
My AF didn't arrive saturday like it should have. So we did a test on Tuesday.


The night after i was sitting with DH and got up and went to the toilet, and when i wiped i was bleeding. From then on i continued bleeding quite heavily. Its calmed down a lot today, its very minimal now.
I don't want to go to the docs cos i know they will confirm what i know already.
This happened to me in December already. Why again?

The only thing different this time is that my BBS still hurt the tiniest bit and i've had the metal taste in my mouth a few times today. Which i think is mean, kinda like rubbing it in. HAHA you had a miscarriage but body is going to continue acting like your pregnant to torture you.

I just don't know why these babies wont stick? Its as though they fall out?

5 Replies • 13 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Replies

Hi Antanika,

I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. All I can say is that I'm so sorry and I will pray for your healing and for success in the future.

Love and prayers,

User Image User Image User Image

13 years ago

Hi Neekie,
Youre not on your own. Mine dont stick either. Got one to stay put for 10 and a half weeks but my scan revealed my little tiny had died four weeks earlier. Got back to normal and almost every month I get a faint BFP only for AF to arrive with a vengance. I waiting to see a specialist but Im convinced mine is only hormonal. I think low progesterone as I have a very short luteal phase and when I was pregnant I didnt have any symptoms. Good Luck. xxx

User Image 16th Sept 2010

13 years ago

Oh :( thats so sad.

Its such a sad time and even though you only knew for a little while it still hurts so much.

13 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry that this has happened, for both of you! I'm not super good with words during times like this, but I want you to know that we're all here for you!

User Image I want a !!! User Image

13 years ago

So sorry Neekie... I know how you feel, I've had it happen to me exactly like you explained 3 times now... It's hard to stay positive but try! Sometimes its the only thing you can do... Thinking of you

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13 years ago

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