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Not really ttc related but, I'm back on the wagon to staying healthy. I've noticed over the last few months that I gained a little weight and some inches, so I've been really watching what I've been eating and doing a ton of self control for certain food items. So I'm currently 149lbs, I'd like to get down to 140 or less before getting a BFP. I have a singing performance coming up on June 28th so I hope I can drop at least 10lbs before then. I think working out again and watching what I eat will also help contribute to getting pregnant. Besides I feel better about myself. I worked out tonight with a friend, and oh my gosh am I out of shape. But I felt so much better afterwards, and it made me realize how much I missed that feeling of being healthy. I want to continue exercise after getting my BFP because I don't want to gain as much as I did with my daughter, and I want to be healthy for both myself and future baby. Any way, that's what I'm trying to focus on instead of everything ttc. Sending my love to y'all, I'm so thankful for this site, everyone has been such a great support system.

4 Comments • 10 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Comments

Sounds good to me! I want to do the same. I'm out for the summer so I think I'm going to start exercising and watching what I eat. GL and let us know how things go!

User Image TTC #1 PCOS & Graves' Disease Foolery! Praying for a little princess!

10 years ago

It can only do good. Great for helping fertility and it makes you feel good too, bonus. :0)xx

10 years ago

You go girl! I put on a few extra pounds after a back injury 3 years ago and I've had a hard time losing it. Recently I gave in to a weird craving and tried cranberries in peanut butter. It was delicious and filling and I've lost a couple pounds already. The protein helps fat loss and it keeps you feeling fuller longer so you don't eat as much.

10 years ago

Thank you all! Myfitnesspal app really helps me keep track of my food intake, and drinking a ton of water. As long as I stay away from fast food and chocolate I should be good. My friend is getting married in October, and I'm helping her too so it's nice to work out with someone.

10 years ago • Post starter

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