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Hoping for a May 2014 BABY!

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A place to chat and let all the frustrations of TTC out!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

540 Replies • 10 years ago



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Ttc is difficult, I work in surgery and there are many hazards that I have to avoid and they keep forgetting and putting me in places I can't be. It will be easier when I am actually pregnant because I will start looking pregnant eventually and also the risk is greater when you are actually pregnant and I won't feel so weird telling is hard to have to let people know I am ttc, they are too interested in my life

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

@jennavee thx I am doing much better today, so hopefully it's a sign of good things to come!

@smc it does lead to awkward moments when you are put in situations that require you to tell people that you are ttc. So many people just end up pg without all of the planning that they didn't have to think about why they shouldn't drink something, take a certain med, breath something harmful, be in a stressful environment..etc. in advance. I get it.

Welcome aboard ladies! I hope August is a good month for BFPs.

AFM I noticed signs of ov on CD7 but it was pretty weak compared to last month I know exactly how far into my cycle I conceived last month, so I'm hoping we get it right again.

I started a new job at work and I'm finding that I've become a very stubborn lady in my 30s...I blame it on ttc!

10 years ago

SMC- I've found that being upfront with my supervisor and close coworkers about TTC helps. My supervisor is understanding of appointments etc and my office staff is aware of sudden climate hangers ie hot flashes and mood swing. And they love me more for it lol. Cause they know I'm not just being a witch. Plus now we are all excited about the "office baby" it's nice to have a support system everywhere.

Then again I have decided to be open about TTC in general. So many more people deal with it than you think. And it's sad that the are scared or ashame to speak out on it. It's a silent sisterhood.

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

10 years ago

CD 12 video update

CD12-night before IUI- and the silent sisterhood | Love you to the moon and back

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

10 years ago

Got curious took a test. Nt sure @ all. Ik having PCOS makes it difficult to determine ovulation with dip strips. Please go vote. Let me know still cramping as I'm typing.

10 years ago

praying for ya'll tonight!

10 years ago

Temp spike ! 98*

10 years ago

Bama prayers that your IUI goes perfect and that you get your healthy sticky bean!

Sadly on the other board I saw that Wiggy unfortunately had a MC. My heart goes out to her. Like I said before its hard enough just getting to the BFP part of this... When you finally do and lose the baby it feels like this struggle has been all for nothing! Dam our bodies!

Afm - well I had my labs drawn and AMH was low! 1.1 but my dr does not feel it is that bad.. ?? I guess I gotta go with her on this one.. Everything I read is soo contradictory some studies say 1.1 is infertile others say it is fine... Prolactin was low at 3.6 yet again she does not feel there is anything wrong there either... I read it to say I'm not always ovulating...US is sched for next Wednesday as well as a fu with the dr... I am CD12 or 13 and no pos opk yet! Hoping it is pos today.. Have been BD'ing the last few days just in case! If we don't catch it this month I am adding DHEA and COQ10 to next months cycle of natural stuff, unless dr puts me on fertility meds! Hoping for some good news from the US...

Hope everyone is doing well and I can't wait to see some BFP's for this month!

10 years ago

Bama - keeping you in my thoughts today! GL! Stick Bean Stick!

35andready - I've been thinking about you alot...hope you are doing ok and I hope you catch your egg this month! Fx'd for you!

AFM - finally came this morning. I am actually 'ok' with it now...and ready to just move on to the next cycle of ttc. I think I had my moments of anger/sadness over the weekend when I got my BFNs and now am back to being focused on ttc again.

Here's to getting a lot of BFP's this month and having May babies!! GL to everyone!

10 years ago

Good luck Bama!!!!

1040 its almost positive....I bet it will be today.

35... Your prolactin is perfect. Anything under 18 is normal and therefore good for TTC. Mine untreated was 24 and now its basically zero. I would just go with your doctor however I researched about my thyroid both google and scholarly articles to make sure my treatment was correct. Doesn't hurt to be informed bc the field of fertility medicine is always changing it seems.

10 years ago

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