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Hoping for a May 2014 BABY!

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A place to chat and let all the frustrations of TTC out!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

540 Replies • 10 years ago



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Wow I missed a lot in a day! Some very tense comments and convos to say the least... Like the opinion and ahole thing I will insert mine and it's just my opinion and nothing else.... I have been on this board for about a year now. I have ALWAYS stated to everyone new that this group of women is the MOST supportive group to vent to to be honest and open with... Until now. How dare ANYONE of us decide it is our place to judge someone who has been on this journey with us and considered us Friends to turn to in her unfortunate situation!! I'm ashamed! How dare any of us place a husband or fiancé as the only person we should be planning a child with! My personal experience started with my boyfriend of 6 months who is now my husband.. If I had gotten pregnant then it would have meant just as much to me as if we were already engaged or married. People make choices and in sweets defense she was looking for compassion and guidance from a group of ladies that USED to provide just that! Yes, it is a sensitive subject when we are TTC but we should not make it our personal struggle or a way to take shit out on someone who is in a different situation! Yes, she may regret plan B down the road, but that is not for any of us to throw in someone else's face.. I'm saddened that some of those who are labeling themselves worse off than the rest of us in this scenario... We are all in the same scenario, it's just a matter of how much time, money and pain we have invested.. It does not make one persons struggles that much bigger than the next persons!

I had an abortion at age 19! Do I regret it? Yes absolutely, but because I have does not make my desire at 36 to have a child any less deserving than yours! Nor would it give you the right to judge me! Please be more considerate of people's feelings ALL the way around, not just how you take something to be offensive.. I'm sad that sweets had to go through that, but we are all HUMAN and it does not matter if you are an ADULT we ALL make mistakes.

Misty OUT!

P.S. I do not care at this point who wants me in this circle or who doesn't! I said. Y peace bc I don't feel much family in this recent scenario... Happy to find a new family and non judgmental board!

Afm no pos opk, cd16 nausea and very moody but smiling and still behind those I know! Prob not preg but guess some of u will never find out...


10 years ago

Very Well Said 35!!!!!

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

I agree...VERY well said 35!

10 years ago

Agree wholeheartedly 35!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

35- I absolutely agree!! Can we get back to and focus on the most important thing and why we joined this site to begin with...bringing a miracle into the world and supporting each other on that journey...

AFM: CD 32 no sign of AF yet. my bbs are HUGE!! I don't think they have ever been this big! No temp drop this morning either. I think she will be here tomorrow if not later today. FX for my appt tomorrow!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Pbc - thanks! It was a very relaxing/refreshing weekend! Exactly what I needed!

35- Thanks for the feedback and for making me remember what the whole point of this discussion group is... which is about supporting each other while TTC and keeping this a judgement free zone! We all definitely have our struggles otherwise we wouldn't be here...right? So we just need to remain supportive no matter what! Is it hard sometimes when others get a BFP when month after month I don't? Oh heck ya! I am human and I will admit that the little green-eyed monster of jealousy hits me from time to time...but then I get over it and am truly happy and I know that one way or another I WILL be a mom some day and that all of this struggliing will be worth it. I know I wouldn't have made it this far without the support of ladies like you and I really hope you stick have been such an incredible support to me and I would genuinely miss you! I am always here if you ever want to talk!

AFM - 15dpo and AF was due yesterday and so far she hasn't shown up. However, I am having HORRIBLE cramps so I know she is just right around the corner. I just wish she would show up all ready so I can just get it over with!

Is anyone testing soon! I hope to see lots more BFP's! It always brings me hope for myself :)

10 years ago

Lacey-let's hope you don't see her for 9 months!

Hopeful- the same as above. Hopefully she won't be making an appearance!

Afm, I guess I spoke too soon and still in the running for late, late May. Fx!

10 years ago

Thanks Pbc...but just as I suspected AF has arrived! Well, time to pick myself up and start a new cycle! Good luck to you too Pbc! Fx'd for you!

GL to ALL of you ladies! I hope that those of you left get your May babies! I'll be thinking about all of you!

10 years ago

I too am hoping for a May baby... just two more days til i am testing -15 dpo! This is our 5th cycle of trying after an ectopic last year in September.
It's really not so fun all this ttc stuff but at least with the start of each cycle, there is hope! But having said that, I really don't want that new cycle to start again. Fingers crossed for all of us that this is the one!
Good luck all!

10 years ago

Hopefull- boo to af but I have a good feeling the June board is going to be full of bfps!

Hey sar_bear good luck testing! are right, TTC isn't too fun but at least the pay off is amazing.

10 years ago

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