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Hoping for a May 2014 BABY!

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A place to chat and let all the frustrations of TTC out!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

540 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good morning ladies!
How are you all feeling?

Not much going on here other than a bit nauseous but at 3dpo I heard that is too early to show any symptoms specially before the egg implants... I think is more cycle hormone changes since I had a little but of nausea last cycle. Who knows.

Have a wonderful day !!!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

TTC_ hope af stays away!

GVMDL- don't know much about rrl other than I tried it twice and had the longest, heaviest periods, HOWEVER, I was taking a bunch of other herbs too. It's good to pay attention to any differences you notice after taking vitamins and herbs bc sometimes they can have weird side effects and sometimes they don't. All in all, rrl is supposed to be excellent in getting the uterus primed for baby occupancy!

I've noticed that anymore I get a lot of different o symptoms such as breast soreness and everything you hope would be a sign of pregnancy and its so frustrating bc you want to hope its some great sign of impending pregnancy just to realize its hormones. Darn bodies!

Anyone testing soon? 11 dpo and the af cramping has began, she should be here tomorrow...boooooooo!

10 years ago

I'm maybe 6 DPO today. I have felt a tad bit of cramping and maybe even some lower back discomfort - but I think I'm also really good at making stuff up in my head. (-: Who knows. I feel like this might be our month, but I could be totally wrong. (-:


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

PBC: Thank you. i get what you mean about af showing up. I was just sooo pleased to see her after 6 weeks. Only thing i can think off is i was stressing deep down over my hsg. Glad it is over now. Just hope my next appointment comes through before af shows up next cycle :) Im sorry to read that you are getting your cramps so far and that af is now on her way. I hope it means something entirely different instead for you this cycle but if not, hugs and baby dust

10 years ago

Thanks Beautiful! I honestly remain hopeful until a get an actual flow and then I accept I'm not pregnant. A lot of women have gotten pregnant after their hsg so let's hope that darn pain was worth it!

While- you never know, could be good signs. I've had the most horrible sore back anytime I sit down for long periods. It sucks bc I have back issues otherwise could be a good sign. That's how all my symptoms always work, I can relate them to.something else.

10 years ago

Hello ladies - just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I am glad to see the BFP's this month. It keeps my hopes up!!!

To the LTTC'ers. Please know you ladies are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope it wasnt something I said to upset anyone. I have been on this journey for a while now, and a year with some of you ladies. If it was not for some of you I would not still be in this journey. I would have given up, but your words of encouragement and wisdom have kept me going. I have leaned on this support group and I want you to know that I thank each and every one of you for your friendships. I will be honest, I do not know what any of you are going through, no one does. I just hope you know I am here and I laugh and cry with each of you through the good news and the bad news.

PBC - how have you been? I am praying for you. that AF stays away for oh lets see at least 9 months :)
How have your levels been? did they get your meds worked out?

Beautiful - How have you been?

Beatles - again, I am just over the moon for your BFP!!! It makes me soo happy to see things working out for you!!!

Scooby - you are in my thoughts and prayers. A CP is awful, the silver lining I took out of mine was that I CAN get pregnant and I DID get pregnant... It will happen.. Hugs your way..

AFM - AF decided to show 4 days early.. I am on CD2 and will start clomid tomorrow. I have to schedule my HSG for next week... Not looking forward to that, but it is the last of my tests. My DH is a wonderful man. He is going for his SA friday. He has been a rock for me in all of this... I just hope I can give him the baby he sooo wants.. Its hard enough when its something that you want, but when someone is depending on you to give them what they want it is stressful!!! :)

Cant wait to see more BFP's !!!!!!!

10 years ago

I'm thinking to test only when af is due which is 9/3. Unless I have symptoms that will make me itch and test sooner. I had nausea and cramps last month and could swear I was pregnant. Dang Pms symptoms so similar to pg symptoms!
But I did buy cheap strip tests and could easily change my mind and test early just for the heck of it!!!
However I do get bummed out after getting bfn's. reminds me the year long ttc my first daughter and all the pain associated with the disappointment . Ironically the month that I stopped taking clomid, did not bd on schedule and literally decided to take a mental health break was the month I conceived.
Now, I can't relax much because at my age I'm pushing it a little bit but every time I get down I try to keep my chin up and leave it up to God. Besides I have been blessed with two daughters so time will tell if I can have my rainbow baby. It is very encouraging to be here and be part of this thread.
Tons of baby dust to all of you :o)

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

35- I am well just getting ready to welcome af. Yippy! Yes my thyroid is finally normal, ok well my tsh level that is and my prolactin is down to nada! I have read it can still take up to a year or more even after the thyroid is regulated. I sure hope not. But it would be funny bc Im destined to have a baby at 32... Actually one month before. Freaky enough, my gma had my mom one month before she turned 32 and the same for my mom when I was born. So if it was a year, then I would be due to give birth around my 32nd bday but I hope its sooner!

Hope your hsg goes well! That's my next step in Nov. I also hope the SA comes back normal. I know its not easy when you feel like you can give the person you love what they want, which is a baby in our cases.. however my dh thinks its his fault in a way. Either way its difficult. Again they make having a baby sound so easy!

GVDML- I refuse to buy hpts anymore after I bought the cheap ones and used them all in a week. I did use an opk last night even though you aren't supposed to. I figure I have a ton of those so if I get a positive there I'd buy a hpt. Of course the darn thing hardly had a test line.

10 years ago

how is everyone doing?!

35- the sooner the better.hope things go well with your appt


told my co-workers about . I wrap all the prenatal vitamin samples in wrapping paper and hand them out I told everyone they had a gift. when they open it was funny they said they knew I was because Im crazier and the speech therapist gave it back to me with the quickness she said I cnt take this home my bf would freak out too not taking those horse pill samples they are huge bigger than epo pills.
to all we need

10 years ago

@35: after mentioning your husband will have his SA, it really made me think about the men's side of the struggle. We all have hard times dealing with TTC, but it takes a toll on them as well. In talking with my husband the other day, I told him if we conceived the baby would be due May 12th, my late grandfathers b-day. He didn't really show any emotion. When I asked him isn't that nice, he said "yes but doesn't get excited anymore"... he told me that the miscarriage took away his joy in TTC, it broke my heart. Made me think that it does take a toll on them too; its really awesome that you have a supportive hubby!!! How long have you guys been TTC?

GVMD: looks like we are cycle buddies, AF is due Sept 4 for me!! I am going to try to hold out until I get back from my business trip on the Aug 30th to test. If I O tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll be at least 8dpo so I can test with a cheapie dollar test at least.

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

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