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April IUI/IVF 2014

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Anyone trying for IUI or IVF in April 2014?

344 Replies • 10 years ago



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NorthernBabyDream, I'm so sorry.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

I'm sorry NorthernBabydream!!

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10 years ago

I got AF yesterday! I knew it was coming. I started spotting on Friday. I'm really trying to not get to down. I've just been praying for strength. I usually only pray for it to happen but Im getting myself to just ask for strength and the knowledge/acceptance that i'm not in control. I think it is helping me. Being depressed for days after does nothing for me. We are going to do a 2nd IUI. After this we are taking a 2 year break from treatment to save for IVF. I donâ??t feel very positive about this cycle but Iâ??m trying. Anyone have any good tips on staying positive? I have a hard time doing that.

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10 years ago

Ugh, I'm so sorry Stevi!! Well, try to think of it like this... you've only done 1 IUI and they usually recommend around 4.. heck someone on here got pregnant on her 5th one (I think it was Violet)!!
So just remember that it's chance and the %age while it increases with IUI it's still not a guarantee...
Mine worked on my 3rd one!!
Sorry you feel like that, I know the feeling too well!! Like you said, pray for strength and it definitely helps!
Hang in there!!
Sending you virtual hugs!!

Northern- same for you sweetie... keep trying.. if I remember that was your 1st or 2nd IUI right?

Texas- good luck tomorrow on your scan!!! Let us know how it went!

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10 years ago

So sorry Stevi. Like miracle said, it is a game of chance and you often have to give it a few tries. As for staying positive, not sure I have any advice. I'm in the same boat as you, but we're also running out of time due to age. I guess my advice would be to continue trying to trust that it will all work out as it should over time.

Thanks girls, for the support. Yes, it was only our 2nd IUI and I know the odds. I have been following a Traditional Chinese Medicine protocol too though and had gotten my hopes up that it would work after 3 months. I've had a couple days of letting myself be down and depressed and am feeling better today. Not sure what I'm going to do next cycle. I might go for a medicated IUI this time with injections (not sure what exactly yet but Clomid is no good for me).

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10 years ago

Thanks Ladies and sorry Northern that you got that witch too!!! My doctor said she will only let us do 2 bc she doesnt actually recommend it bc she thinks we should go straight to IVF. She is only letting us to them for peace of mind she said. Which doesnt make sense to me. We are both under 30, unexplained, and only been trying for 2 1/2 years. Her reasoning is bc i did 8 rounds of clomid with no IUI and it didnt work. Which again makes no sense to me. And now she was to have a talk before she will do another and she isnt in the office until weds. and i would need to start meds tomorrow. So the receptionist said we will most likely have to wait out this month. Which i think is complete crap. I'm pretty pissed. We can't do one next cycle because we are going to be out of town while i'm O'ing. So frustrating!!

Now i'm just waiting on my nurse to call me back to talk.

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10 years ago

wow Stevie I would b frustrated too.

10 years ago

That sucks Stevi. I'd be frustrated too. What about doing an IUI cycle without the clomid? As you are unexplained (like me), then you should be ovulating fine. Yes, it means you have less chances with only the one egg, but still better than nothing. Of course, it wasn't successful for me, but that's what I did last cycle. No clomid, but did trigger shot and progesterone.

It can't hurt to have a good discussion with the doc though. I have heard that doing IUIs when you are unexplained can just be a waste of time because you're just taking a stab in the dark. It's kinda like giving antibiotics for someone that's sick but you don't know what illness they have. Yes, it might work but the problem could very well be something completely unrelated.

I'm trying to do some research on NK cells and related issues. If you have any kind of autoimmune disorder, that could be related to your infertility too (and won't be addressed by ART). So frustrating that so little is known about reproductive science.

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10 years ago

Ladies, also check your thyroid (TSH level)
I believe mine was the culprit for the 'unexplained'.
My level was always 2.7-2.9... they say under 3 is normal so my OBGYN didn't put me on meds.
However, when I went to RE and did my own research (my level at the time was 2.8) they started me straight away on synthroid and they said that if your TSH is over 2.5 it's not optimal for conception. It needs to be closer to 1.
3 months into my Synthroid and my TSH going down to 1.6 (my hormone levels seemed a lot better than that first month I went there) I got my BFP so please check into that too... I wasted all this time with the OB and all she was saying was that my levels were borderline and never put me on synthroid.
Genetic testing is also good to do...

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10 years ago

I heard back from my doc regarding the follicle vs cyst question. He says, "These follicular cysts could contain viable eggs, and on occasion, patients do conceive during rest cycle. Whether there are viable eggs inside the follicles or not cannot be determined prospectively, and the timing of ovulation also is unpredictable."

Reading between the lines I think that means: Yes, its possible, the ultrasound can't tell, but don't hold your breath.

Hope everyone had a good Easter.

10 years ago

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