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Hoping for a May 2014 BABY!

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A place to chat and let all the frustrations of TTC out!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

540 Replies • 10 years ago



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Welcome Tiny Fx !

10 years ago

took a 10miu test at 9dpiui last night and i think there is a line.

It is posted, let me know what yall think, the 2 25miu I tool this AM are also posted, but I don't think there is anything there

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

10 years ago

Tested again this morning. Test is lighter than yesterday, which was lighter than the day before. Thinking this is going to end up being a chemical. That will teach me for testing early :(

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

10 years ago

35andready - glad you are doing ok and it sounds like everything is moving along in the right direction! Hope you have an awesome weekend getaway with DH!

Scooby - when I looked at your test yesterday I could still see a faint line. Have you tested today? GL!!

Bama - I 100% see a line on the 10 miu test!! Sticky little bean stick!

I am sorry I can't respond to everyone...just trying to catch up on all of the posts here. GL to everyone and I hope we see some more BFPs!

AFM, cd11 and neg opk yet...but DH and I are still BD'ing anyway and enjoying ourselves. DH will be away for some of my fertile days so I am not overly optimistic that this will be our month but you never know?

10 years ago

Scooby...I didn't see your post before I posted mine! Sorry about that. I did take a look at your test and I don't even know what to tell you! The line does look fainter than the other two tests :( Hang in there...have you tried a different brand of tests just to compare?

10 years ago

@scooby it may be that it was an evap to begin with and line is will get darker. Hang in there!

Thank you ladies for corresponding with me and letting me join the group!

Afm, took opk and line is faint but is there. Think O is around the corner. Bought the preseed n can't wait to use it.
My cm was white n with pink spots which makes me believe it was left over from period, or maybe ovulation spotting?
As tough as it is ttc this group makes a difference !

Baby dust to all!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Bama- I can definitely see a lone on the 10miu! Fx for a sticky bean

10 years ago

Hi ladies, I'd like to join if you don't mind. This Is our 22nd month of ttc, in October 2012 we found out that dh has a varicouse vein on his left scrotum which is making it difficult for us to conceive. After we got married in feb 2013, we went to the fertility center and decided an IUI would be the best route for us, we had our first on using clomid 50mg in May and it didn't work. Due to me being in school we had to plan the pregnancy around that, so August is when we decided to try again that way we would be due at the very end of my externship. Had my second IUI On August 15 and currently in my tww. Really hoping for a BFP!

A little background.... Me25, two ds, two mc, tilted uterus, but considered healthy
Dh32, no biological children, varicouse vein on his scrotum

User Image

10 years ago

Scooby - I want to give you hope, it is early... I also want to make sure your ready for a cp if you test early... :(. The downfall of TTC is we sometimes wouldn't even know if we didn't test soo dang early.. Personal experience last cycle hit me hard and made me realize I'd rather wait until AF is due to even test.. I still see lines and know if u take a frer it will be positive.. They test at 6.3 which is ultra sensitive.. U may want to pick up a few of those and test a couple days apart to see if the line gets darker! Prayers for u and fx crossed that it's just early.. It takes 2-3 days for hcg to double and some women have lower levels of hcg until they are 5-6 weeks pregnant. I would also call your dr and get a beta it may help put your mind at ease. One then a retest will give you the answer as to viable or chemical. again I'm praying it's just early!!!!

Bama- definitely a line on the first test but I do see something faint I think on the ones u posted today so here is hoping the IUI is a BFP and that your lines will be more positive in a couple days..

Off to the flooded city of charleston for a weekend get away.. Ugh first time away and I can't even go to the beach or the pool... Oh well a weekend in a hotel may be good for the marriage though :).

Hopeful - yes, my obgyn's bedside manner is lacking but she is on the ball and taking this seriously at least that is good.. She has every test ordered and it made me happy to see that she went right to the clomid without question.. I am soooo very excited to give it a try and hoping it is the answer! My DH is soooo funny.. He scheduled his SA for Monday... I started laughing and he said what? I said oh honey I guess we will just cuddle on our romantic weekend get away since u can't do anything... He hung up on me and I was like wow that was mean... He called me back 2 mins later and said DOH! I forgot I called them and rescheduled it right away! So he is going next Friday to get it done.. He is soo cute and wants to do everything he can to get us pregnant.. He was soo excited to get the show on the road he forgot we were going away for a little fun BD'ing time instead of calculated BD'ing time... :)

To all the talk of preseed.. I too love the stuff.. We only use it during o time as I don't get the ewcm either.. I tried the EPO but it didn't seem to work for me... But the preseed is great...

Good luck ladies... I'll be checking in to see the faint BFP's turn to dark BFP's!!! I'm rooting for u scooby and Bama!!! Can't wait to see you both get your BFP's and sticky beans!!!!

10 years ago

Gvmdl start using your preseed on all your fertile days do not wait until O day

Bama_ I see something FX!

Scooby do not give up hope

AFM. af still no show . just a little brown spotting today and yesterday so still holding out until tomorrow and sunday

10 years ago

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