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10DPO looking for a buddy

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Category: Trying to Conceive - TTC My First Child
Posted by heatherannm10 » 12 hours ago

I nearly can't handle the anticipation any longer!

I have 30-32 day cycles, I am on CD 26, Ovulation was on Oct 24th-ish, the next day felt a long hard cramp where my right ovary would be (first time ever feeling that) Then on Halloween started to notice light spotting only when I wipe on Thursday, some Friday and enough to wish I had a pantie liner is still early and there's more redder blood. The Hubby just bumped into my boob and it was rather tender! I am so excited! Im trying to not let these symptoms go to my head and get me all worked up if i get a BFN.., but Im having a hard time.

Any great ideas of how to share a BFP with the Hubby if I get one? I really want to do something cleaver!

Thanks Baby Dust to you all!!


239 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

111 - 120 of 239 Replies | Last Page

Aceron- Glad to hear you will still be around to chat :) How funny would it be when you stop charting and planning you will get your bfp! I see it happen to a lot of girls. Once that stress is gone BOOM your pregnant! Good luck

Heather- You did it! I'm so happy for you. Wow a 27 mm follie? Thats a big one :) Now you just have to think happy thoughts :) :) It's gotta be hard being with family and not doing all them things, aren't they catching on?? Are you taking any prenatal vitamin yet?
Btw we are only a day apart, I'm 5 dpo! I plan on testing friday just incase i do get a bfp on 10 dpo ON valentines day! I think that would be sweet ;) Once again i feel good about this cycle, we were able to bd 2 days before O 1 day before O and day of O. So I'm feeling pretty good about this

ladyycamper- Hi! Welcome :) I think your symptoms sound very promising! Especially with the cramping and pinkish cm on 9 dpo. Are your periods very regular? I could see spotting 3 days earlier but not 5. So since your 12 dpo today have you tested yet??? Let us know! Goodluck :)

10 years ago

Rose- ya it was a big one, the doc seemed to get a little nervous when she saw the size, she said to do the trigger right when I got home, but I had it with me so we did it right then. She mixed it and I injected it. I have one friend who noticed right a way that I was drinking a sprite instead of a pepsi and then I'm not a very big drinker anyways so that's easy to push off. I have been taking a prenatal off and on for many many months, but the last three months I haven't missed a day.

That's cool we are so close. I wanted to test on Friday because I am going out with the girls on Saturday and haven't come up with a plan for not drinking yet.. And the hubby will be out of town that whole weekend. But that would be 9 dpo and I just don't feel like it would be a true result. I might go down to the dollar store and pick some up. I could get a false positive because of the chlomid and trigger so I'm just not sure.

My boobs hurt so much .. At least they will be nice and pretty (and big) for my girls night out!

10 years ago • Post starter

My friend that I just graduated college with in May just announced she is due with twins in August!!! She has had multiple miscarriages and although I am a tad bit jealous of her announcement I am sooooooooooooo thrilled for her! I feel kind of bad that her first pregnancy is twins but also the thought of "how cool is that?!" keeps running through my head!!

Anyways! My fingers are crossed for you girls!!!!!

I am afraid my family will disown me and my husband if we got pregnant this month! LOL. I think everyone is a little overwhelmed with the November and December birthdays in my family! Oh well. Really, what's another really going to do?!

10 years ago

Thats exactly how my family is with birthdays! December is just crazy for us! But who cares if there is one more! I mean is your /my family going to be upset because our due date would be in December?? I highly dont think so, I think they would be very excited!

And I feel for you! Hearing some one is pregnant, not only with one but TWINS! They get TWO!! And I cant even get ONE! -- thats what I always think lol, but really are happy for those who do get pregnant! I had a friend tell me just last month that shes expecting.. she just got engaged and seems to be freaking out.. poor thing.

Im going nuts.

Simply nuts.

TWW is killing me. lol

I have seven more days until I can go in for my blood test, scared that AF is going to show up on that last day. If she doesnt show up then I go in after work to get blood drawn, and then dont even find out until the next day! THATS NEXT WEDNESDAY! jeez that seems like for ever!

Any ideas how I should go about not drinking at girls night out?

10 years ago • Post starter

I posted a question and would LOVE if you ladies were to put your opinion in!

10 years ago • Post starter

When I was actively TTC during the months of birthdays, bridal showers, bachelorette parties and wedding I would tell them that I was taking medication that couldn't be combined with alcohol. :)

I'll be thinking about you until Wednesday!!! Fingers crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

Oh my goodness you are brilliant!!! Fabulous idea!!

Thank you! I just have to get to friday and my mind will be preoccupied for most of the time.

10 years ago • Post starter

I feel pregnant.

Last night I experienced sore legs and bootie, I went for a 2.5 mile walk with the dog, but I do that several times a week so I dont see how that could make me sore all of a sudden. SO anyhow I googled sore leg muscles and found its a common symptom of pregnancy. Today I woke up and am getting more and more constipated (not totally constipated but its taking longer than normal - sorry! TMI) Boobs are still soooo very sore! I whimper every time I hug someone LOL And I am grumpy! I have to keep reminding myself to be nice to others!!! Then I stretched and felt my stomach was much tighter than normal.

Today is 8DPIUI Im not going as crazy as yesterday lol! It was really slow at work yesterday so I had more time to go crazy!

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry for the many, many posts! hope I'm not driving you both nuts!

But, I took a test! it was negative! .. I think thats good lol, it means that the hcg trigger shot is out of my body, and since it is too early to get a true positive, if I do get a positive next week I will know that its a TRUE positive!

Welp on my way to wait for another 6 days!

10 years ago • Post starter

Dont mind the posts at all! Keep em coming ;) Good to hear your having some promising signs. I have been having a sore back for the past two days but I'm not sure if i just slept on it wrong lol. Great Suggestion from aceron about not being able to drink because of medication! Your in the clear with that one for sure. Hope you had a good time at the cabin with your family, what a nice way to relax :)

I can not wait to test tomorrow! Last night i had a bout of Nausea and since yesterday i've been having cold symptoms. Temp is still up but thats normal for me.Once i see it drop i know I'm out.

10 years ago

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