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Anyone have missed period/negative test and still be preggo?

So, I'll start off by saying that normally my cycles are pretty regular. I start AF on CD27 normally every month, but sometimes it varies between CD27-29 (this is my regular, ha).

Last month, my cycle was only 26 days long. No big deal.

The month before that, I had a 29 day cycle, which is pretty normal.

This month, my period tracker said I should have started my period on the 13th. I didn't. So I took a test and negative. Period didn't come on the 14th, negative test. No period today and questionable test, though most of the people who voted on it said it was negative, so negative test.

I've never just missed a period... I guess I could be having a long cycle or something, I don't know. No thyroid problems or PCOS.

Anyone get miss their periods, get negative tests, and then still end up pregnant? o:

2 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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Hi EirenA!! My cycle is exactly like yours, in that my normal length is 27-29 days and always has been. However, I've had a random handful of times where my body decided to do something different and start my period a whole week later than it should have. I don't know why, and it was only for one cycle then it would be regular again for maybe another year or so. Maybe it was stress, idk. HOWEVER, many women do not get a positive home test this soon, sometimes even for weeks, and may only be sure with a blood test. I'd say just wait a few more days and if af still doesn't show then test again. I think there's hope!!! It can just take some time for hcg to build up enough to register.

8 years ago

Hi Hoping!

It's so discouraging to see women getting positive tests at 9-12DPO! I've seen women tell other women that a test should be positive by 14DPO cause otherwise, you aren't preggo. >_< it's so hard so remain positive, but I'm trying!

I'll sometimes have a rogue cycle, but it hasn't happened in a long time. I really just want AF to stay away and to get a + test, haha. This is 14 months of trying... It's not as long as some ladies on here, but I'd really just like my baby now, haha.

<3 <3

8 years ago • Post starter

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