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Anyone surviving the tww ttc after a stillborn?

I see a lot who have miscarried I am just wondering if any one has experienced a stillborn and are now ttc.

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22 Replies • 13 years ago



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I have not had a stillborn, but did miscarry early in my pregnancy in December. Did you have a stillborn? If so let me express my DEEPEST condolences. I hope you find the support you need as this journey is a difficult one.

13 years ago

hello, if you don`t find any one here look at the boards at
I know you will find several people with similar circumstances there. My heart goes out to you. Good luck in this journey of ours to TTC

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13 years ago

Thanks, I have also had 4 miscarriages so I know very well how painfull they are too. Our son died 10 weeks before due date due to a cord accident and although it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through I will always be gratefull that I was able to see him and name him and that the world acknowledged him unllike the miscarriages. I will have to check out the link posted, thank you very much.

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13 years ago • Post starter

me! my angel Alexander was born at 25 weeks 6 weeks ago. We decided to ttc straight away, not to replace our little man but to fulfill the dream we have for your family.

You have my deepest sympathy, there is nothing worse than having to bury your own child. You think once you pass all the early stages that everything will be fine just to have it all taken away from you. How are you coping? xx

13 years ago

I would never wish the pain on anyone but its comforting to talk to someone who has been there. Coping.... some days thats all im doing is coping and others I am doing okay. still so hard. I get so hopeful each month and then so let down with a bfn that it brings back a lot of the pain and emptiness. 6 weeks is still pretty fresh wounds, I hope you are doing okay.. well at least the new okay. I had all the symptoms for a positive this month (5 months since our sons cord accident at 27+ weeks) but started bleeding and passing golf ball size clots with tissue so the doc is convinced it was another miscarriage... sad and hurt but new hope that at least I can still get pregnant. Where are you at in your cycle, maybe we can be rainbow cycle buddies.

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13 years ago • Post starter

Our first baby (little girl) was stillborn March 16th. She was due March 17th. We just started TTC again and are currently in the 2ww hell! How are you doing??

12 years ago

I am so very sorry.....
It was the hardest thing I have ever been through. I lost my son in December, 4 days before Christmas. I started counseling last week to help because it is still really hard for me. I was a jagged pill of pride to swallow and admit that counseling might help and I would now reccomend it to anyone who has had such a loss. You need to be able to tell someone about your baby, everyone else gets to talk about their baby and delivery and you have to bottle that because its to sad to talk about. I feel like my son carson has became the elephant in the room instead of my baby because eveyone know about him and the pain but no one will talk about it or feel comfortable when I do. It will really help you move forward ttc. So many prayers and again so sorry. Stay strong, it doesnt get "easier" just less raw, and you will start having more moments then hours, then days where you can feel happy again.
I am coming up on 6 months ttc. no luck yet, no known problems, stress & greif im sure contribute. I read about a lot of rainbow babies conceived in the 3 month post mortem period so hopefully you will have a screaming baby in your arms soon.
Keep me posted and if you need someone to talk or rant to I'd be happy to read it

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12 years ago • Post starter

My first daughter was stillborn on May 5th at 33 weeks. Later they found out that she had a rare tumor that was not detected by ultrasound.

My doctor gave us the go-ahead to TTC whenever we wanted. I finally got my first period on July 8th, so this is our first month of TTC. I think I ovulated on the 25th, so now I'm just waiting...very mixed feelings about TTC.

We got pregnant with our daughter on our second cycle, so "easy", I had no clue about temping or CM or anything. Now I feel like I need to do everything possible to figure out my body, I am deeply afraid that I will not be able to conceive again or give birth to a living child.

Thanks for starting this thread. Sometimes it is hard to find other people that have experienced late-term loss.

12 years ago

Hello Ladies, My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I lost my son Julian on November 5, 2010. Times are tough and some are tougher than others. I can hear a song and be sad and absolutely l
lose it.Things do get better after time but I will always think of him every day of my life. I'm glad the hospital let us have him for the day and we where able to put an outift on him and be there. People deal with this in many different ways and each of us is different. Some in my family talk openly about it when we are discussing being pregnant. That actually helps.

As for trying again we started in May. Our doctor wanted us to wait until April at least. I had low progesterone and was put Clomid in June. I am on my second cycle with clomid and things are moving along but the waiting and hoping during the wait is unbearable.

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12 years ago

@ Nenozinho- Soo sorry. I cant imagine how empty it must feel to loose your first child. My children were the only thing to help that empty ache in my arms. I hope you are healing and staying strong or not its okay to be a mess :) Please keep us updated on how you are and how your cycle is going cant wait to see a BFP and baby pics for all of us ttc our rainbow baby.
@ JLMarks. First I am so sorry, there are so many different triggers that make me bawl. Sad songs, babies, pregnant women, doctors offices sooo many. I think it helps to talk about the experience openly too. Many of my friends and loved ones would get uncomfortable when I would mention anything but the more I pointedly talked about my baby and used his name "Carson" it has really helped. He was a big part of my family and the experience has forever changed me so I should be able to talk about him and his birth! I am suprised your doc has been willing to help you conceive again so soon. My doc suggested he was being nice to give the go ahead 3 months postmortum but would not be able to help untill 6 months following that point. Almost there sadly, if I dont get my bfp this month I will be able to request help next month.
Please everyone keep me updated on how you are doing. There are so many sad stories of the stillbirth and so few of wonderful stories following.

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12 years ago • Post starter

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