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Anybody get angry with their partner for no apparent reason during their TWW?

13 dpo and I can't help but feel so aggravated at my boyfriend. I saw him yesterday for the first time in a week and I was instantly peeved at him. It's like very time I talk to him, I get annoyed at him. I love him, and I miss him when he's away, but when he's around, I just get so easily disconcerted.
I've never had this before. This is definitely very new to me.
He is starting to recognize it and he's blaming it on my 'potential' pregnancy. Anybody else have this problem?

4 Answers • 11 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

When we first started ttc, DH would blame any time I got upset or annoyed on "maybe you're pregnant." But after 8 cycles I think we've decided it's just hormonal. I'm not used to having monthly cycles as I went off BC to ttc. Could be pg or PMS for you. But yes, I have totally experienced that!

11 years ago

I've been TTC for about three cycles now, and this is my first time snapping on him like this. PMS never really effects my moods until it's just about over. It's really weird. Thank you for your answer (:

11 years ago • Post starter

yes when ur ttc is very stressful my advice to use is to try and make things as normal as u can and dont make everything about ttc i made that mistake and my boyfriend broke up with me and said i wasnt getting pregnant because of my stress,it ruined our relationship,the only time i wanted to have sex was when i was ovulating and i was always talking about babies and getting depressed because it seem like everyone was getting pregnant but me..after we broke up we ended up getting back together a few months later but he had been seeing another women and got her pregnant so i had a choice to take him back and deal with the fact that he has a child with someone else or move on..i still loved him so we are together and trying to have a baby once again..stress can be a relationship killer try ur hardest not to let ttc take over ur was the biggest ever made

11 years ago

Goodness! Well I'm glad you guys worked out your differences. If the love is strong, there's no stopping it.
I'm trying to keep things normal, and they were for the longest time. But it is so hard to see everyone else getting pregnant. I mean, there's TV shows about these fifteen year old girls who aren't ready by any means getting pregnant, and I just don't understand why it's so hard for me to.
Thank you for your answer, jamienicole (:

11 years ago • Post starter

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