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Private Testers Support Group Part 5!

Old thread got ginormous so here's a new one!

bluerose sorry about spotting hun :( At least you get to see the GYN and hopefully get a plan in place! You've been waiting too long for baby #2.

janise thanks for the response, yeah I know very little about whether HCG actually increases odds of pregnancy. Maybe I will do some googling :) How you feeling today?

Cam wow good for you finishing that run! 4 miles is a lot especially if you don't do it very often. Throwing up is never a pleasant experience though ;) But it is badass!

AFM CD 12, temps are nice and normal levels of low. My chart looks great this month, after looking horrific last month. Go figure! Getting lunch today with my newly-pregnant friend. I feel ready to see her now. FX that I don't do something embarrassing like burst into tears ;)

594 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey luv you will be ok. Maybe a couple of tears will show just how hard it is for us and maybe she'll be more sensitive. Yes that walk was everything. Is vomiting normal?

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10 years ago

Cam vomiting is not an ideal response to a hard workout but it is fairly common. Usually it just means you were overheated and/or had too much or too little food in your stomach when you set out. It's good to eat something with easily digestable carbohydrates about an hour before the workout, maybe a piece of fruit or some toast and jam :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Ok but yea I was over heated I did not eat prior to the workout.

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10 years ago

Cam that'll do it! Especially when it's hot out, if we're running our stomach acid is sloshing around and makes us nauseous. If you don't have time to eat or if food makes you feel sicker, chew on a couple Tums right before you leave, it will help! :)

Lunch with my pregnant friend went great! She's not the type who complains or self-congratulates endlessly about it, so we had a very real discussion and I came away very happy for her...I figure we need more *good* people reproducing ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm glad the lunch went great luv.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies,

I made the jump!

Can, great job and love that you have someone there with you along with your hubby!! Hope the homework went well ;)

Luv, praying for great news for you tomorrow!!! Glad lunch went well too...

Blue, hoping you aren't feeling too bad...looks like the witch is getting me too :/

AFM, had a pretty good day went to play Bunco and that was fun. Think the witch is showing...tomorrow was the expected day of she's always on time :/ about to do some laundry, the fun never ends...

10 years ago

Booooo af Jada! We will get a break sis we have to continue to believe that don't allow our fleshy eyes to dictate what will not be use your spiritual eyes if you can see it it will happen.

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10 years ago

Cam, thanks for that!!!

10 years ago

@luv: how did lunch go?

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10 years ago

Good evening ladies....I'm here!

10 years ago

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