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So what, now I'm not ovulating?!!?!?!?!?!

I am so completely frustrated and confused....I always ovulate on CD14-18, usually on CD 16. well not this month! It's actually 1 year to the day when I conceived, and I was really hoping for shot at it, but nooooooooooo. So what the heck do I do now? I'm still using the OPKs on the slim chance that I'm just ovulating really late, but I doubt that. Only other option is that I ovulated super early, doubt that too. what really gets me is that I was testing since last Wednesday, CD12. On Thursday, I thought the test was going to positive, but it wasn't. Almost, but not quite, we BD'd on Friday, but then the rest of the weekend was a wash. Now i'm just too depressed to want to do anything romantically

So here's my questions - Have any of you used the dollar tree O kits, and what did you think of them? Is it possible that I really did have a positive test Thursday? Should I just bite the bullet and go see a fertility specialist?

I'm just do damn frustrated we're 18 months into this journey, and I just feel like a failure. One more thing - have a dr's appt on the 24th - she thinks im depressed still from the MC. I wonder somtimes if I am too. Any of you have experience taking anti-depr. while TTC?

11 Replies • 12 years ago



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how many times on wednesday did you test? maybe you missed your surge? have you had any other signs of o'ing like cm or cp? i haven't ovulated yet either, im on cd18. my body seems like its gearing up for it, but just isn't finishing the job. GL!

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12 years ago

*i mean when you tested on thursday lol

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12 years ago

I only tested once on Thursday, because I figured Friday it would be positive for sure. I've tested twice a day from there on out - mid-morning and around 5 when I get home.

The only thing that makes me think it did happen over the weekend was that on Sunday, I had a bit of brownish CM. That's a tell-tale sign for me. I didn't have any real noticable symptoms other than that though.

**** sigh****

12 years ago • Post starter

you might have just missed it.. i think that as long as you bd'd in the time frame you usually ovulate it should be alright..

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12 years ago

I hope you're right!

12 years ago • Post starter

No I'm really confused.....i'm crampy today and just had a glob of clear, stretch CM. Maybe I am just ovulating really late

12 years ago • Post starter

im feeling the same way! i still haven't ovulated, no temp rise and cm is between creamy and watery.. im so confused. luckily we ovulate soon so we can get on with this dreadful tww. *ovulation dust* for the both of us!
are you checking your temp?

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12 years ago

I don't do temps, but I was planning on starting it next cycle. I can't wait to take an OPK test!

I sure am one screwed up individual

12 years ago • Post starter

lol im not doing opks this month if i don't get a bfp this month, i might start it back up next month. the few times i did do them i never got a good positive except for once. so rather just take my temp to confirm that i really did ovulate since opks dont really confirm it.
how long have you been ttc?

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12 years ago

Finally got a + OPK!!! Looks like I'll be ovulating on now it's time to try to get romantic!

12 years ago • Post starter

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