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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey guys! I'm here...lurking. Hope you don't mind too much.

10 years ago

Luv, thanks for the new thread. Sorry to hear things have been less than kind for and to you :( I pray the timing works for you both! Can you do IUI again and have a sample on standby just in case? I agree that the time is passing quickly, just praying it all works in my favor :) I can tell you this...AF is showing up in full force now and I'm hurtin a bit...ugh.

Jan, glad you are still around, we would love to hear from you!

AFM, here at work, but seriously thinking of leaving in an hour to an hour and a half. I am meeting with a designer for the house and really don't want to feel bad. But that's at 4. Thinking I should leave around 2 or 230, go home, get drugged up and then meet We will see!

10 years ago

Janise hello! Did you get any news on that follow-up pap by the way??

10 years ago • Post starter

JLH ugh sorry about full force AF! She is such a biotch. My docs aren't gonna do IUI for me anymore and I am totally fine with it. It's SO traumatizing. Plus if we miss ovulation it'll be over the weekend and they don't do them then. I know, it's so stupid. My docs are useless :-P I really don't think I'll O before CD 16 so it should be okay! At least we won't totally miss out this month. You should definitely leave work early and get doped up, haha!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies I've been silently stalking the page. CD 18. We just finished with state I passed my micro test with a 92 and my anatomy test with a 89. Now I'm preparing for finals. I know I'm somewhere in my tww not positive where, dh had a dream last night that I was preggers lol. I've missed you guys but have been extremely busy these classes will be over 5/7, my summer classes will be online so I can be home for a little while before the fall session starts that's when I'll start the RN program. The material I'm studying right now for anatomy is very interesting I should get an A human reproduction, male and female reproductive systems lol. 
Jada everything has slowed down it will pick back up it always do on our thread. I hope your visit gives you some great answers. Fx for June!
Law hey babes how's Ms Harper doing, time is flying by my dear.Amag I'm so excited for you.
Blue throughout my stalking I've been waiting on you to announce your bfp! we need some answers young lady!
Luv I hope af is being kind to you fx to the next cycle I hope the meds are kind to you as well.
Afmedic and blue congrats on the new vehicles.
Smh I love seeing Rella on ig I hope all is well.
Hi Holly!!
Clove mama duty in full swing lol.
Jan how's everything are they putting you on Clomid now.
Nico share the recipe missy on that zucchini lasagna please.
I hope I got everyone! Smooches :-)     

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10 years ago

Cam--woohoo great job in your classes. Less than a month to go until you're done! That's so exciting.

Luv--any femara symptoms? I can't wait for you to feel the squishing insides. I'm praying for you!

Jada--what's the meeting about? When do you get to move in? Sorry AF is being a meanie!

10 years ago

Law, I am meeting to go over the things I need help with (lighting, paint, tiles/patterns, etc.) The projected completion date for the house is July! The outside is almost finished, the interior wiring and plumbing is being done now. I need help with the finishings and tying it all!

Cam, HEY!!! You are all over it and I am proud of you!! Great job. Hope your hubby is on to something :) Thanks for the well wishes!

Luv, she is!! Ready to kick her out for a good 9-10 months! HA HA. I gotcha about the IUIs, hoping the Fermera will do the trick for you ;)

10 years ago

Jada--that actually sounds like a blast. I'm looking into furnishings for our apartment in L.A. I really want it to be chic and polished but also comfortable and warm.

10 years ago

Morning ladies!

Jada: Hope you are feeling better now. Hope the designer will help you choose the best of everything which will suit you guys personality!

Cam: Congratulations! Hope all goes well for finals.

Luv: The pap is all the way on 5/15. I would have missed 2 cycles! However, if all goes well and I dont need a colposcoy...Clomid it is!

Hey Law! Hope all's going well.

I know I missed persons...please do not feel slighted! We help keep each other sane!

10 years ago

janise--hey girl! how are you?

10 years ago

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