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Where are you Die Hard Girls?

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We all seem to have been very quiet! Whats going on with you all girls? I've been reading but not doing much writing. Hope you're all ok.

User Image 16th Sept 2010

27 Replies • 12 years ago



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I feel the way you girls do.... if I ever... I mean ever... do get a bfp... I don't think I would know what a real line looks like... I have had so many evaps and bfns that I don't think it would register.... I just am getting really sick of the waiting to O then waiting really just for disapointment and lots of bfns..... I want to give up but I don't at the same time.... my clock is ticking as I am 36 on Tues. and so I can't afford to just throw in the towel for awhile....

Sigh.... so frustrating... just good to know I am not the only one

12 years ago

Hi ladies. I'm new to this site but I"ve been TTC for 20 months now. Dec 12th will be DH and my 2nd anniversary and 2yr mark of TTC.....
I have NOO idea what DPO I am because I quit tracking all that about 6 or so months ago BUT if my cycle were normal AF should have showed yesterday. Still no AF, BFNs all around, and I'm so obsessed right now i"ve been taking OPKs and HPTs at the same time! LOL. So here's hopeing......

We're 27, TTC since we got married. No pregnancies, 3 fur babies. Male & Female fator infertility. Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

Hiya girls...sad to say it but I'm back...miscarried our twins due to blighted ovum on July 25th. I'm really not sure where we're are going from here. Not using any protection but no more Clomid or iui's. I say no more Clomid but I do have 3 more prescriptions filled and ready to I had a d&c but am still having some spotting. The doctor says everything looks good and to have at it, so we're slowly but surely getting back into the groove of things. Good luck everyone...

User Image 05/15/10 7/25/11

12 years ago

MeMoni..... I am so sorry to hear this! I am sorry you had ot go through that... that really is awful..... I wish you the best moving forward and I hope you heal emotionally and physically!

Cyber hugs for you!!!

Well, ladies I thought this month was it... but once again..... I have to face the fact it might not be... I am 13dpo today and got bfn..... so I need to focus on AF coming any day and moving on yet again to the next month... What sucks is today is my b-day and I am just devastated at the failure of this month... I am trying to ignore it for today and just look to this next month....AGAIN.... just so tireing and sad.... almost 12 months ttc...... will it ever happen?

12 years ago

good morning ladies. I have a horrible confession today. I don't really want any of you to get pregnant, isn't that bad :( I know. It's just well I want someone to be like me,so I don't ever feel left out,cuz that's how I'm feeling right now. Everyone i know is pregnant, and it's really hard to keep your chin up and be positive.. I probably really don't mean it, I want everyone on here to get a bfp but I feel like in 2 yrs or so I will be the only one yet to conceive and will be left out of the group... I'm sorry if this hurts you guys,as obviously its a bad day today,but its how i feel.. I see some of the girls getting their bfps and am sooooo dam jealous that it kills me. I just have no hope with 2 blocked tubes. k im done bitching and moaning now sorry..

12 years ago

I've had that feeling before. I think it's normal for everyone to get jealous of all those BFPs especially when you have an extra difficult journey with two blocked tubes.
I hope you get your BFP soon!!

We're 27, TTC since we got married. No pregnancies, 3 fur babies. Male & Female fator infertility. Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

hi aromatherapy,

I totally know where you are coming from. I obsessivly read the TTC success stories and swear out loud when I read a header like this....

"Pregnant on our 2nd try" or "Finally after 6 months TTC we're pregnant" - FU and your fertile body! LOL.

But seriously...its just the luck of the draw. We unfortunatlly have issues getting our BFPs and luckily with technology it will eventually happen for us.

Keep your chin up!


I'm so very sorry for your loss. :( Its been since April 6th 2006 since I had my mc and I swear my heart won't heal until I get that bfp. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever gone through. You're in my thoughs. :)

~ Becky

ME-31 DH-37 TTC 6 years Feb 2006- Natural pregnancy m/c 9 weeks 2010- 3 cycles with Clomid/IUI- Nov2011- Lap- Stage 1 Endo, Uterine Septum, Ovarian Cyst & Left Tube blocked Feb2012 & Apr2012- FSH + IUI- IVF # 1: BCP/Lupron, Menopur and Follistim No Frosties 12dpt- 14dpt- Beta 30 16dpt- Beta 24 Chemical Pregnancy IVF#2: BCP, Menopur, Follistim

12 years ago

Ladies how are you all xoxoxoxo missing you all.. I am on a ttc break i cant take the heartbreak everymonth.. i have not idea where i am in my cycle i just filled in some dates that seemed to be ok lol..

Suzy TTC#1 Yayy for Ovulation

12 years ago

Hi ladies..... just feel down today....

Cd #1 AGAIN!

I just feel sometimes that it won't happen and I am cursed to have problems. I see all the other women who have been here with me for the past year come and go with bfps and I am still here....... Sometimes I feel like I am one of the few that are still here... It just sucks sometimes. I just don't understand why it isn't happening. Then I realize I am a year older and another year has passed and still nothing. All that wasted time with ttc and nothing to show for it! Long term trying takes a toll on me...... just feels hopeless sometimes........

12 years ago

I know how you feel cj. This is my 20th month TTC and I've seen lots of people on the other site I've been on come and go getting their BFPs and lots of people in my family/work/friends also. The ones who don't want it make it the hardest for me. But I just KNOW we will all get our babies one day! One way or another :)
Hope you feel better soon!

We're 27, TTC since we got married. No pregnancies, 3 fur babies. Male & Female fator infertility. Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

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