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Fall 2013 Mommies to Be!

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Hello all.

Since there were a lot of Sept 2013 BFPs and we all think the Countdown to Baby site is sort of lame I thought I'd create a place where we could all talk about our pregnancies.

I made it Fall 2013 with the hopes that a lot of the ladies from October board (and beyond) will be able to join us here.

AFM today I'm exactly 5 weeks pregnant. I have my first exam scheduled for Jan 28th and we plan to tell my family the weekend after. It's been torture keeping this to myself so I hope we can all discuss symptoms, concerns, and joys together.

I still haven't had a lot of symptoms. Heartburn one day, my nipples are tingly and sore and DH swears my boobs are bigger already. I haven't felt any nausea yet or felt much fatigue. Although I do have trouble staying asleep, sometimes I wake up 3 or 4 times a night. Oh and this morning I had to get up early because I had to pee so bad. I think it's starting!

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57 Replies • 11 years ago



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welcome grants.. I think we are all feeling that way. We have not told anyone. I am not planning on telling anyone till after the first trimester. Actually, I am trying to wait until Mother's Day wknd. We will see if I can hold out that long.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Well I found out a few weeks ago I was pregnant and we are both very excited and it's so hard not to tell anyone.

I am 6 weeks and have my first appointment a week tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect as this will be my first baby and the thought of having to wait until 12 weeks for a scan is pure torture as I'm already worrying about all the things that could go wrong!!!

I have friends who have had a scan just to find out how far they are and then the 12 week one. I find this a little unfair just because I know my cycle dates.

Any advice would be welcome.

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11 years ago

Hey everyone!!! Its good to see more faces popping up over here!! Congrats and healthy 9 months to everyone

I'm now 11 weeks 4 days pregnant! and feeling a million times better. Except for the boobs which have grown about 2 cups in the last 2 weeks! I'm feeling a little unproportional since the tummy hasnt caught up yet!

How is everyone else feeling??

Also has anyone given much thought to the types of diapers they will use? I used disposable with DS and am giving serious consideration to cloth diapers this go round. I have done a good bit of reading and I believe the pocket diapers will work best for us. A girl I went to school with uses and they sell fancy pants pocket diapers for a decent price. She swears by them but I was wanting some insight if anyone here has used different brands or has ever cloth diapered. TIA!

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11 years ago

Coral I had my first appointment at 5 weeks and met the dr and filled out paper work. At this early they may not be able to find a heart beat just because its not far enough along. That would worry you even more! I had a scan done at 9 weeks and wont have another until about 18 weeks. Don't worry :) My baby at 9 weeks looked like a gummy bear.

Lizhaa isn't it amazing :) I cried at my first appointment. Everyone else was standing around talking to the tech about her home state and I was sitting there in my own transfixed emotional moment!

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11 years ago

kcordell: hey hon! I am having morning sickness from hell.

As for diapers I have always used disposable. My hubby and I did a bunch of research and found that the chemicals used to clean the cloths ones were just as bad for the environment as the disposable. So, I am not of any help to you there.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

@3lil - (your screen name is so cute!!) I hear ya. We waited our full first tri with my first, but I broke down and told my sister after 8 wks. This time I was actually at my sister's house and told her right away. No will power!

I hope your morning sickness is bearable. I lived on saltines for a while with my first.

@Coral - Welcome and congrats! Well they'll probably do a pregnancy confirmation at your visit (either pee or bloods, but pee is most likely). Are you in the US or elsewhere? In the US usually you have your first u/s (trans-vag) around 8-10 wks. (You can't even see a heartbeat until at least 7wks) I'd lose it if I had to wait to 12. But the u/s dates are usually up to the discretion of the individual Dr.

If I were you I'd say I'm not sure how far along I am!

@kcordell - Hey lady!!! Can you believe we're on here together? So glad to hear you're feeling better. And your giant knockers!

We went through the whole diaper conundrum with DS so I definitely can help. We actually cloth diapered and still do (he's 2 and is potty training). We use BumGenius One-Size pocket diapers. They're adjustable so you don't have to keep buying new diapers as your kiddo grows! It saves loads of $$ and they've been fantastic. We've not had any diapers wear out and they work well. However, any one-size (regardless of brand) is usually a little too big for a newborn and you want to be able to snap down the front underneath the umbilical cord so it doesn't irritate it. So we bought a few XS bamboo fitteds that have snap-down bellies from this company: They were perfect (but you need to pick up maybe 3 diaper covers as these don't have a waterproof cover).

We have always washed ours at home and don't use a diaper service (3lilbrown is right - the diaper services often use chemicals). We only use natural low-residue detergent on them like Charlies or Rockin Green.

But I have to fess up that we do put our boy in disposables overnight. I know lots of people who successfully CD over night, but our son's a mega-pee-er and I don't really want to change him at 3am.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Grants: Thanks.. I have Cubby Brown, Andy Brown, and Keegan Brown.. my little Brown boys.... I tried 7 up but it is giving me horrible gas. The saltines never worked before. I will try again probably though.

We are still trying to keep this pregnancy a secret, but, we share a house with my MIL. At least until April when we move. She asked my husband last night if something is wrong with me cause I have been very sick lately. Hubby told her my sinuses are making me sick. I don't know how long that is going to work. I do have bronchitis though, so, when I see the OB tomorrow maybe she can help with that and some of the puking will stop.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

@3lil - Have you tried vit B6 for the sickness? I've heard 50mg twice a day helps. Also starting the day with a little bit of protein is supposed to help too.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Hi everyone...I'd love to join you! I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my 3rd, no real symptoms yet but they usually start around 6 weeks for me so it should be soon. My fist appointment is at 8 weeks and I can't wait We haven't told anyone yet...we're waiting until after my first OB visit.

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11 years ago

@ Grantsmama I'm so happy to see you over on this board! FX for a sticky bean and a H&H 9 months to you! About a week and a half until my first ultrasound. So excited to see my little bean.

Been feeling sick on and off and have puked a hand full of times. Other than that I'm doing okay and eating like a horse. I can't get enough fruit!

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11 years ago • Post starter

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