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Am I out before it began? Can anyone cheer me up?

I'm feeling a bit blue this tww. I typically ovulate cd14 but this month I awoke with a headache, a little ewcm and cramping ovaries (hurt to walk) on cd 12 and I thought for sure I was ovulating early. We dtd the night before and during the day that day but unfortunately my partner had to work some awful shifts and we didn't get the chance again until the night of 15dpo. I think I may not have wound up ovulating until later than the 12dpo signs as I had ewcm right up until the morn of 15dpo. I don't temp so I'm not sure when I 'layed' the egg it I'm guessing it was my normal 14dpo. I'm 5dpo based on that and I'm feeling like this month is a miss and I'm feeling quite emotional. Can anyone give me hope that I'm still in with a chance? We are wanting a baby so very badly.

5 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Whoops that should have said I think I ovulated cycle day 14 not 14 dpo :/. Basically I could have just asked if I only dtd two days before o do I have a chance? Like I said I'm a bit sooky and it makes me ramble lol!

9 years ago • Post starter

Well, since sperm can live up to 5 days in a woman's uterus under the right conditions I say you do have a chance. Don't give up hope. I am in the same boat. I want to conceive so badly and my husband wants to also but doesn't understand why I am trying so hard. A month is a long time to wait to try again. The tww drives me insane and I have become obsessed with peeing on sticks! It it's so easy for men. They don't have to try to read their bodies constantly. They just have to dtd and be nice about the crazy now and then! Crazy happens!

9 years ago

Thanks for your answer :). I seriously have felt so glum today! I hear you on the 'trying so hard' bit. I truly feel clueless about my body this month and I'm usually so good at reading it! Haha the poas problem. I have that too. Some ladies do their best to hold out but I like to test early. By the time af is due I've pretty much done my grieving over bfn's and am already getting excited about the opportunity to try again. :). Thanks for the hope.

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh I am right there with you ladies, don't feel bad! TTC'ing after a miscarriage, talk about not knowing your body anymore! I feel like you definitely do have a chance, like jsshrt said those little guys can survive a while in there waiting for the egg. I get very blue and frustrated too, you're right, the months go by very quickly and it's a LOT of patience and waiting when it's our bodies! I am only 6dpo and I started poas yesterday :)

9 years ago

How lovely you both are! I do actually feel much better! I'm 6dpo-ish today. Thanks to you ladies let the tww crazy begin in earnest then! It doesn't matter how cool calm and collected I appear on the outside on the inside I am obsessing. What no one sees is the scrutinising of my cm looking for any sign of IB, the constant discreet poking of my bosoms, little random coughs I perform to see if anything twinges. A nice once over in the mirror to see if maybe I 'look' preggas, asking my OH repeatedly if he has a 'gut feeling' about this month, refusing to dismiss any test I take until it's been examined inside and in daylight with a magnifying glass...and more for two weeks straight! And I've already been pregnant 5 times! (3 babies, 2 m/c). I still have no idea! :/

9 years ago • Post starter

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