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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Holly: good luck at your appointment. my 6 week u/s i was soo scared to go in alone i made my hubby get out of work early so he come with me. Your numbers from your last beta look really good though. Good luck and congrats!!

Blue: sorry you are having issues hopefully Janise is right and with little effort you will be back on the right track with a peaceful mind set.

Janise: good luck with your results too!! hoping everything checks out ok!! and i agree at least if AF is going to show up good thing its a short cycle!!

Hope Everyone is having a good friday!! im on my last day of work before im on vacation!! Few hours left in my day then its relaxing time!!! WOO hOOO!!

10 years ago

Sorry I'm not getting on much! With the new clients at work I've been busier. Also my cycle is extremely odd this month. My chart has been showing very high temps, pretty much the entire follicular phase. I am hoping this doesn't mean there's a problem with my hormones that might make my lining thin. Overnight I woke up sweaty like I had a fever break, and sure enough my temps were a bit lower than they had been, but still not normal pre-O temps. On top of that I have an OPK this morning (with superdark urine though) that is positive or near positive, I can't really tell. So yeah, I am frustrated. I will retest with another OPK in early afternoon and see if it stays positive, if so I will schedule IUI for tomorrow. I have also lost 2 more lb in last few days which would not be typical of AFTER ovulation! I usually bloat up a bit!

Janise sorry about AF but yay for a normal cycle! FX that it becomes a pattern :)

amag agreed! I haven't changed anything since last month, except that I'm not going in for ultrasounds which I suppose increases my anxiety about whether I O'd super early. Enjoy your vacation!!

Holly good to hear that being hot can be a Femara symptom :) I am sure your u/s will be great! It will be very reassuring to get it over with though! At least your beta was awesome!

bluerose oh no sorry about your bad paps :( Really hoping they figure it out soon so they can treat it. Have they done a colposcopy ever?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

Been a bit busy lately, but thinking of you all.

Blue, hope everything turns out fine.

Luv, is your hubby home today? Keep us posted on the IUI!

Amag, happy to hear all is well, can't wait to hear what you're having!!

Holly, did you have your appointment? Still so excited for you ;)

Cam, hey Hun!! Hoping all is well?!

SMH, how are you?

Jan, how are you feeling?

AFM, I'm ok...Clomid not too bad. Going in Tuesday for an U/S and bloodwork. We will see what happens. Now home cleaning and packing :/ blah..

10 years ago

Hey ladies I'm ok I hope everyone else is too. I have a mid term exam online due this weekend then one next week. I think I will go ahead and challenge the entrance exam in two weeks for the nursing program.keeping busy overhere.

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10 years ago

JLH FX for your u/s and bloodwork! Keep us posted :) DH is back, got back Thursday night...still no clue if/when we'll do the IUI. Might be too late, who knows??

Cam GL with all your schoolwork!!

AFM CD 16, temps were down a bit yesterday and up again today. UGH, this is so freakin' frustrating. Wondering if my near-positive OPK yesterday meant that I O'd yesterday. I just have NO idea what's going on and I'm gonna call the RE tomorrow. All I know is next month I am not taking any meds. This is ridiculous. I even took an HPT just to make sure I'm not secretly pregnant and it's negative. My temps didn't get low enough at all in this FP. I'm guessing they'll want me to come in for an u/s this week and make sure everything looks normal, maybe even a progesterone test. It is stressing me out a bit. Trying to not care whether or not I'm pregnant this month but it's just annoying when you can't even depend on your body to do what it's supposed to do!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! Hope all of you are having a great weekend!

Luv, I will definitely will keep y'all posted! Sorry to hear about all of the confusion, can't wait to hear what the RE has to say?!

AFM, I'm doing ok...the Clomid has me a bit warm, but I'm making it. My throat is a little sore, wondering if it's from being hot then cold? I'm CD11 today so not to much going on...

9 years ago

Mondays suck but hey it's another day!! I am in study mode ughh not fun

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9 years ago

Hey Cam and the rest of you ladies!! I hope y'all are good...a bit quiet in here today.

Cam, I am withcha...just happy it's almost over!

9 years ago

Cam boo to studying! Get 'er done! :)

JLH hi! I hope you aren't getting sick. You're right, it is very quiet around here. Eerie!

AFM CD 17, temps are all over the damn place. I called the RE today and I have an u/s scheduled for tomorrow morning. Can't wait to see what the deal is! We've been BDing every other day so hopefully even if we can't do IUI we have it covered.

9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies. Sorry I've been mia. I've been too busy trying to forget the fact I go back to work a week from today. It's seriously going to be the hardest thing I've ever done.

Rella had her 4 month apt today. She screamed when she got her shots but quickly recovered with a little help from the boobies. She is in the 50% in weight and off the charts in length. She is a looooong girl!

Luv- I hope your wonky temps end up being just what you need for your BFP. Let us know what the us shows!

Cam- good luck studying! I'm excited for you to take the test and get I to the RN program. You've worked so dang hard!

Jlhart- I hope you aren't getting sick either. When is your first fd ultrasound? Or are you doing those this cycle?

Blue, holly, amag - hellooo! Thinking of you ladies!

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9 years ago

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