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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Law must be some kind of bionic/android of a woman! She is a machine!

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10 years ago

hey ladies figured i would pop in to see how everyone is doing? It was just brought to my attention that i havent been on here in forever. I feel awful about just deserting everyone but i have been super tired by the time I get home from work. I am currently now 15 weeks!! everything is going great i go fro my next ultrasound on July 9th and as long as the baby is cooperating we should be able to find out what we are having. My Dr. did start me on some extra iron on top of the prenatal with iron seeing i was pretty anemic. Feel good now energy is starting to return other than that I have no issues to report. I promise i will try to stay more up to date on everyone and not completely vanish again...!!! How are all you lovely ladies doing?

10 years ago

Amag!!!!!!!! Hey! I can't believe you are already 15 weeks!!! Glad things are going so well. Warms my heart to hear that. Are you showing at all? Can't wait to hear what you are having!!

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10 years ago

Smh: thanks its great knowing I still have your support.! I'm starting to show already have a small rounded belly but so far I haven't gained any weight. Although my dh almost lost his head the other day. He told me I looked like I have gained weight. Now I know I'm going to and its normal but I just wanted to smack him at that moment. I didn't of course but sometimes he's just not very sensitive to his approach on things..ill

Luv: so proud of you for hitting your goal that is amazing! How are you doing?

10 years ago

SMH LOL most of the weight I lost through a standard diet, so it is definitely doable! No need to walk a billion miles ;) any nanny news?

janise that is a good point about Ikea! How are you doing??

Cam hi girl! Hope you are having a great week :)

JLH hello! Is the Clomid being kind to you? How was Miami??

Holly hey how's the bun baking? When is your first u/s? Sorry if you already answered that!

amag good to see you! Wow I can't believe how far along you are already! FX that you will be able to determine the sex. I'm thinking boy! Sorry about your DH being a bit dopey about weight. Men don't get it ;) Thanks for the propz! I'm doing okay, been going to the RE for a month so I'm on my second cycle under their care. Feeling much better about it now that I have competent docs!

AFM CD 12 and my temp skyrocketed today! I've also had lots of EWCM since CD 9. I am pretty sure I didn't ovulate this early. I think I have a mild cold. My throat has been a bit sore so that might explain it. OPKs are negative. DH is still out of town until tomorrow night so if I did ovulate I am out of luck this month. Hopefully my temps get lower tomorrow! Lately my temps have not been very reliable, which is annoying. Otherwise things are good!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! CD1 and trying to get my head space sorted out. This cycle was 28 days! Havent seen one of those in almost a year. Hope it keeps up or better yet goes away for a long while.

Amag: Good to hear from you. Wow 15 weeks! Time flies... Happy to know you are doing good.

Luv: I sincerely hope you havent O'd. That would be a bummer.

10 years ago

luv: thanks, i know what you mean. When i started seeing the RE it was like a shocker at how quick they moved to get all the testing and everything ready for me. I felt so comfortable in their hands. Hopefully you havent O'd quite yet and this month isnt out yet. have they changed any meds or anything you are already doing?

10 years ago

Amag: thanks for popping in and giving us an update! Glad all is well. You will be at the halfway point in no time!

Luv: When I was on Femara, I had night sweats too! Strange, but I don't recall any side effects when I took Clomid. My U/S is next Friday at 11:30 am and I am scared to death! I have never had an U/S where they can see a heartbeat, so I hope this is is the one! I'll be 6 Weeks and 2 days, so fingers crossed things go well. I'm such a wreck that I paid out of pocket for a beta test and should have my results. I want to see if it increased well from my number on Tuesday (which was 1571 at 20 DPO (4 weeks and 6 days). I'll definitely update you guys after my appointment next Friday.

Janise: Hope your cycle stays on track!

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10 years ago

@Janise- 28 days is good!! If af is gonna show it may as well be a short cycle!

@luvtowalkfast- Hopefully you haven't ovulated early!! I hope the heat wave isnèt too hard on you! Congrats on the weight loss!

@amag11- Ouch! What a jerk thing to say! Men should know you never tell a woman that, pregnant or not.

@Holly3307- Thanks! I hope it all works out as well!

@JLHart22- Good luck with the Clomid!

I now have an appt. with the nurse practitioner early next month for another pap test. I keep getting abnormal results. So might have to get further testing. And I have an appt. in August with an ob/gyn. Between suspicious cervical cells and an ovarian cyst I am not really surprised I haven't gotten pregnant yet. Faulty reproductive organs I guess.

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10 years ago

Blue: when I got my diagnosis of abnormal cervical cells, I thought I would just lose it! But I decided that while I await a repeat pap and the results, I would work with my body to try and fight it. When I get back my results (should be next Tuesday), I hope things would have changed for the better. I am really praying that whatever they find when they do your test is nothing really serious and that it can be corrected with minimal effort.

10 years ago

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