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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks SMH!

I was on:

100 mg of Clomid CDs 3-7
150ius of Bravell CDs 7 and 8

Esteradiol Valerate 8 mg CD 6 and CD 9 (for thin lining)

I had my midcycle U/S on CD 10 and only one 10 mm follicle. Also, my lining was a 6, so she cancelled the IUI.

I did do two things different this time, which may have helped.

(1) I switched from Prena1 prenatals to Neevo DHA (since they are better for those with MTHFR).

(2) I remembered when I got my last BFP that I took Evening Primrose Oil up until O. I did that again and had some nice stretchy EWCM before I O'd.

I'm still surprised because the only symptom I had was sore nipples a few days after O and creamy lotion-like CM off an on during the TWW. Other than that, nada. I really was dumbfounded when the test was positive.

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10 years ago

Holly congrats!!! I am so glad everything worked out for you. You had so much s*** to deal with and you deserved a BFP more than anyone! FX for your u/s and please keep us posted.

JLH I hope you heard back from the nurse! And have fun in Miami! Woop!

Cam I'm sure you'll have an amazing Father's Day planned! What are you thinking about? Wow I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th AND a full moon!

SMH sorry the nanny search is so nuts! GL hun!

AFM I write for a television website (if you PM me I will send you a link because it has my full name, so I don't wanna post it on here) and I am tasked with watching all the remaining I Wanna Marry "Harry" episodes that will not air on TV, and recapping them briefly. It is super fun but basically I have been marathoning a HORRIBLE show all afternoon! It's awesome to make fun of it though :)

10 years ago • Post starter

CONGRATS Holly!!!!! :-) I'm waiting for the update young lady!

Luv I don't know yet ;-)

Smh this trying to find a Nanny is time consuming and tiring I perceive. I hope it works out sooner than later.

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10 years ago

Congrats Holly.

Sorry for those who got af
smh good luck finding a nanny. I would not want to do that.

I am good just trying to adjust to my kids summer break I hear everyday that they are bored. We moved our baby into his brother's room, because he started rolling over and pushing up I was scared he would fall out of his bassinet. He is almost sitting up already, it is crazy. I hope you all have a good day.

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10 years ago

@holly: seems like you found the protocol that works! Both prescribed and OTC!! I couldn't be happier for you!!

@luv: sorry you have to watch that awful show! Do you get paid to write?

@clove: sorry you have a house full of bored kids. That gotta drive you nuts! Sounds like your baby is growing up a storm!

@jlhart: did you hear back from the doctor? Have fun in the sun!

@cam: hey girl!!

@blue: hope you are doing well!!

Afm: we finally got a strong applicant and the website says she is less than a mile from our house. Hopefully that is true! The only thing is her pay range stays at the highest we are willing to pay/can afford so hope she'll take it. And my dh wants to wait and interview a few nannies where I want to interview her ASAP and pounce before someone else scoops her up. Childcare is spendy!! Like paying for college twice!!

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10 years ago

Holly, CONGRATS!!! We seriously needed some good news;)

Luv and SMH, the nurse did call back and told me to pick up the Clomid and start taking it tomorrow...

SMH, best of luck and I agree get her while you can ;)

Luv, I bet that show is bad, so hoping you're getting paid!!

Cam, hey chica!! How are you feeling?

Clove, nice to see you!

Love when we get good news on here it seems to bring us back together;) AFM I'm at the nail shop then to get my meds. Not looking forward to the trip nor the drive but I'm sure it will be ok.

10 years ago

@jlhart: sorry you are not looking forward to the trip! I thought you liked going to Miami? Won't be too many more trips since your house is almost done right?

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10 years ago

I don't have much time to catch up here I am getting ready for work.

Congrats Holly!!

A few days ago I had like an hour of spotting. And then the same thing happened yesterday. I expected af last weekend. And my health care provider caught me in the hall at work yesterday. She's sent in the referral.

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10 years ago

@blue: have you tested? Are you going to make an appointment??

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10 years ago

@smh- I tested a couple days ago. And no, I am not making an appointment. I am sure af will catch up with me one of these days.

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10 years ago

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