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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning ladies.

Tania: How are you? Did everything turn out ok? I'm praying for you.

Amanda: Have you ever visited California before? .....have you decided on a place yet? Are you in the TWW yet?

Ok......where are the rest of you guys? Is everyone MIA????

AFM: Just waiting on my Dr appoint in the am. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I will update you guys as soon as I can. The appointment is at 9:00am.

I look forward to hearing from you guys!

11 years ago

Zuberi: I have never visited California before. It looks beautiful! I checked into Santa Barbara.. it def. looks like a great vaca spot! Do you have any suggestions on places to stay? We are trying to keep our vacation budget-friendly b/c this is the second one we have taken this year and have a few other family things planned for the summer still. However, I'd like something on the beach with ocean view.. there are a lot of options I just can't decide.. Right now Santa Barbara is def a great option! On a diff. note.. I am nervous for your appt. as well! Are you still bleeding? I am praying for you! Let us know as soon as you know something!

Tanianlz: How did things go? I hope that you are doing okay. Give us an update when you can.

I'm with Zuberi.. where is everyone else?!

AFM: I finally got a pos opk yesterday! Then my temp rose this morning but not above coverline so I'd say today is O day! So we BD's last night and will again tonight and then start praying that everything works out just perfect and the next two weeks goes by fast!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Girls!

Sorry I haven't posted... It's just that I don't have much to say. I'm 6 DPO and just trying to not get into analyzing everything. My DS turns two next month (it's so hard to imagine he's been around for two years!) and he has been keeping me pretty busy. He never sits still! He's getting his two-year molars, and therefore is a cranky little monster. Sometimes I wonder if I could handle him being cranky AND a newborn! I know I'll figure it out, but sometimes it seems really scary.

@Tania: how are you? I've been thinking a lot about you.

@Zuberi: I'm excited for your appointment tomorrow. I have a really good feeling about it! I can't wait to hear your news!

@amanda: Cali is a great place to visit, there are lots of areas that are just beautiful! Like Zuberi said, Santa Barbara is amazing. Look on Living Social and Groupon in their vacation section for hotel deals. I've found quite a few for Cali coastline in the past.

Talk to you all soon!

11 years ago

Hi ladies!

I've just spend my morning reading this entire thread and now I feel like I know some of you! Maybe I'm a weirdo, wait, definitely a weirdo, but that's ok, right? :)

I have a 9 month old son and we've been trying for #2 since roughly Feb, kind of like you! We weren't trying for our son, and now have been struggling to get pregnant again. Completely different ball game on the second! I've used the OPK's and didn't get a positive until June 8th. I'm one of those long cycle women and let me tell you, it is awful waiting for so long! Part of our issue is that I'm still breastfeeding and so my hormones are still not normal. We want two babies, really close together and I'm hoping this is the month! AF is due any day (I'm on CD38 and usually have 36-40 day cycles), and pregnancy tests have all been negative. I'm another POAS addict, but I'm not out until AF, so I have to stay hopeful.

I live in Idaho right now, but we're moving to Louisville, KY in the middle of July; in fact my husband left yesterday. We'll live with his grandparents for about 6 months to let us get settled, so we might have to put serious TTC efforts on the back burner until we're more settled, certainly we will until we are in the same state again. :)

Long post, but I'm just so excited to have found a group of women in a similar place!

11 years ago

I'm Here!!! I'm Here!!! Nothing too much to report on me besides A RIDICULOUS amount of stuff going on...I'm still on my period and we leave for Orlando for Disney in 2 days so I've been busy finishing up some editing so it's not weighing on me on vacation and then packing. As soon as we get back means moving stress starts and I want to relax as much as I can! Pray for because we are driving...from Pittsburgh...

Amanda- how are you:) it'll fly least I hope it does for you. I always DREAD the TWW. I spend way too much on tests too...LOL I'm getting better I think...I dont have any vacation tips for ya, I live in PA so, unless you wanna head to the east i'm useless :) But did you think of something??

Z- please let us know! I've been thinking of you as well and just really praying this is it for you and there is no problems

Tania- any updates? I'm praying no news from you is good news... *hugs*

DBjohnson- My sisters *baby* is almost 2 and she has been a pistol lately for her !LOL so clingy to her and stuff so I can imagine its much like what you are dealing with. I remind her that she wont "be like this for long" hang in there! Do you have a birthday theme??

and finally Mewling- I can relate SO much to you. It was so easy to have my DD almost 8 months ago and DH and I have been trying since she was 2 months old for baby # 2. Much like you we want ours close. But it hasn't been that easy this time around. I've found MUCH comfort in this forum, and a lot of wonderful ladies I call my friends. It's really helped me relax and have a safe zone to talk about without any worries. Hang in there! I just recently went through a chemical and as much as that hurt after trying for 5 months, I feel so excited moving on and trying again. Also like you we are relocating for my husbands job, we temporarily will move til the fall so this month I'm counting myself kinda out too... Hang in there! We are all here for you to talk too and vent too :)

Sorry its so long...MISS YOU ALL!!!

11 years ago

MewlingStork: Welcome! I can't imagine having such a long cycle, the waiting would kill me!

11 years ago

I meant that she is almost 8 months now :) I realize that last paragraph was confusing. But it was easy to conceive her.

11 years ago

Morning everyone,
Well I'm still not too sure what is going on I had a scan and everything looked fine for my dates, no heartbeat could be seen but it's still early just 5 weeks. So my dr took another hcg and I'm just waiting for the results to come back. Will let you know if I know anymore. On a positive note there has been no more bleeding... fingers crossed!

I had my first visit to California in November for a family wedding the wedding was in La which I didn't really like (sorry if anyone lives there) but I liked the coast down to San Diego :0)
I'm originally from Wales but moved to New Zealand 7 years ago :0)

Still keeping everything crossed for everyone
Have a great weekend. I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep!

752 / 6000 Emojis


11 years ago

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Am I the only one that isn't quite sure when AF is starting? I think its AF, but it isn't enough for me to be sure. I did another pregnancy test, even though I'm only 12dpo. I hate the waiting!

If we don't get our BFP (what does mean again? Besides positive...) this month, I'm going to start charting my temperature. I think I will have to set an alarm for pretty early since I don't always wake up at the same time. My son sleeps with me and still nurses once or twice at night, but I don't get up, just roll over. Do you think that will mess up my charting?

11 years ago

Tania, I'm glad to hear the scan went well and I have my fingers crossed for you!

11 years ago

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