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Private Testers Support Group Part 4!

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Our "secret" group continues unabated!

CD 6 for me, wheeeeeee...not much side effects on the Femara so far but I do have some night sweats happening.

604 Replies • 10 years ago



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bluerose hopefully actual AF stays out and you get a pleasant surprise this month! Although I know how ya feel, for sure. "Douchebag geese" are ALL geese because geese are such douchebags! They're cute from far away but get close to them and they are super aggressive and total dicks. It's ten times worse when they have their babies around. They attack and hiss violently. I get that they're protective but they are keeping their babies literally ON the town jogging paths so they shouldn't be so pissy when pedestrians walk right by ;) Plenty of other places to take your babies, ya dumb geese!

10 years ago • Post starter

Gm ladies I'm on CD 2 bleeding like a gutted pig lol. I'm just sliding in to say good morning and I pray each and everyone have a terrific Thursday.

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10 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Cam, so sorry you are going through it :( Hope you feel better and soon!

Luv, you cracked me up about the geese, but great job on the walking :) In terms of my ttc this month I called the nurse yesterday to see about getting in tomorrow as we are leaving Saturday for a week! I was hoping AF would show full force, but here I am still barely spotting!!! I am scheduled to go tomorrow at 0730, not sure what will happen. Was thinking Clomid and TI again.

Blue, I am a little like you in regards to my period. I have been spotting moreso for the past three days, but thinking she may come in full force today.

SMH, hope you are doing well!

AFM, pretty much updated above, just not sure what to think. I am good mentally and emotionally..but I still like having a plan. So hopefully I will get some news tomorrow since we are leaving...I will keep y'all posted!

10 years ago

Wow...hope you all are ok!

10 years ago

Cam sorry about AF :( Hope it eases up ASAP!

JLH I think Clomid/Ti sounds good! Heard anything about the interviews yet? How about AF? I agree, it is very quiet around here. Partly my fault I suppose!

I didn't bother posting yesterday because nothing is happening...kind of a boring part of my cycle. Was busy training clients all day and exhausted by the end of it. Took my last Femara today, hoozah! DH is going to visit his family tomorrow through Thursday so I will have the house to myself. Taking a road trip with a friend to Ikea in the Twin Cities tomorrow. Might stop at the Mall of America and Trader Joes too. Whee!

Hope all you girls are ok!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey Luv,

Went in this morning and awaiting the nurse to call with the plan of action. Seeing as we are leaving at O dark thirty in the morning I have to get the Clomid before we leave, since we won't be back until Thursday. AF is heavier today, but still not too bad in the larger scheme of things!

No word on the interviews just yet, supposed to hear about the Contractor Budget position by next week or so!

I heart Ikea, we are going to outfit our closets and dry pantry with their products, as well as the butcher block countertops in a few rooms :) Sounds like you have a LOVELY trip planned.

Enjoy your me time...I am stressed about some things and feel like I need that too...but hopefully the trip to Miami will be good?!

10 years ago

Hey sugars, I'm ok just pressing forward to my soon to come blessing. I know it's coming but how do I TOTALLY relax and not think about don't lol. I do have a lot to do to keep be busy so that helps. Kinda sucks that af will be leaving out on father's day but I can still plan something I guess for the dh. I hope everyone's day is fantastic Friday the 13th and happy full moon (howllllllllinggggg)!!!!

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10 years ago

Just wanted to let you ladies know I'm thinking about you!! Things are crazy here with the nanny search. No luck as of yet.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies. I have wanted to post for several days now, but didn't want anyone to feel like I was a drop-in BFPer, so I hope my post doesn't upset anyone.

This cycle I basically gave up because my RE said I didn't respond well to the meds (only had a 10mm follie at my midcycle appointment). My lining was thin to boot, so so she again suggested we consider donor eggs and cancelled my IUI.

I was so deflated that I decided to take a break from the site because all of the TTC stress was getting to me. Hubby and I went on a mini vacation a few days after the bad news and I said "what will be...will be." To my surprise, I got my BFP. I posted my tests along with my betas so far. They started out really low, but have been doubling, so far, so good.

My first U/S is on June 27th.

Hope everyone is doing well. I will still stalk the thread in hopes that you all get your BFPs soon.

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10 years ago

OMG holly that's awesome!!!! Woohoo!! I am so happy for you :) can't wait to hear how your u/s goes! What drugs were you on this cycle??

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10 years ago

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