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Current 11dpo looking for fellow first timers for support

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Hi all, we have been TTC our first for 6 months now and I have been on these boards reading almost every single day, this process has now gotten so obsessive to me my DH is tired of me over analyzing everything only to be let down with a BFN every single month.

I'm 11dpo now, AF is due on Saturday (5/14) and I have taken probably 6 internet cheapies since 9dpo and I keep getting BFN. Every month I feel like I get the symptoms, then just chalk them up to AF time. This month has been a bit different:

0-7dpo: Not much change, I just noticed I was VERY gassy (like I am during AF) and bloated
8dpo: breasts got very tender and I was woken up to cramps during the night.
9dpo: breasts still tender, starting to get noticeable veins, mild cramps on and off again waking me up in the night. BFN (tested today because of Mother's Day, thought it would be a sign and a welcome surprise)
10dpo: Still bloated/gassy, breast tenderness goes down, veins disappearing, thick CM appears BFN
11dpo: Today - breasts only sore to the touch. Still bloated and gassy. No hints of anything else.

I am one who has VERY painful cramps at AF time and never thought I really cramped beforehand, the last few months I've gotten these mild cramps a couple of days early which then led to AF, but this time they were a full 7 days before AF which has never happened and I feel this is making me obsess even more.

I hope you ladies accept me into the community! I just know and hope having some support will help ease my mind and if another BFN pops up I know I will need the help to get through it and start from scratch again :(

713 Replies • 8 years ago



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Oh man, yeah I haven't been told any of that yet. I'm assuming that's what she'll call me about tomorrow, she said she would look at the calendar and see when she could get me in to start it all. But before my scope test when we mentioned it they just talked about going on letrazole, but we really didnt talk many IVF details, just told me the meds for it are going to cost around $5k so I assume there is a lot they havent told me about yet.

I can't even imagine the emotional hardship of it. I know if I go through all of this and STILL get a bfn it will be just absolute devastation. I called my mom last night and told her everything, we hadnt even told our parents we were ttc because we didnt want them expecting an announcement or anything, but now they know and are aware we're seeking IVF so still getting a bfn when so many people are in on it now...I just don't know what I'll do.

They are still using the eggs they took from the one egg retrieval? Is that how it works? They pull all the eggs at once then fertilize and over the next cycles that you try it they pull from that batch?

7 years ago • Post starter

Yes, it's devastating. I too told my family and feel like I let them down month after month. The cost is outrageous lol. My insurance does not cover anything, so it's all out of pocket for me. That's why this next will probably be the last for awhile. I have low ovarian reserve so did not get many eggs. They retrieved 7 but only 4 were mature and 2 fertilized using icsi so I ended up having a 3 day transfer with my only 2 embryos. They like to try and grow them to 5 days but since I only had 2 did a 3 day transfer. Hopefully your lucky enough to get some frosties but I wasn't. Hoping this next round will produce more and maybe even some frosties :-)
If you do get frosties then you would just do a frozen embryo transfer the next time if you choose.

7 years ago

I think a low ovarian reserve is going to be my problem. I'm not sure how it works yet but I do know yesterday they were looking for about 7-9 eggs in one ovary and I only had 2 in there and they said they were concerned about being able to get enough eggs out for an IVF. Mine also isn't covered by any insurance and they said it was going to run us at least $15k out of pocket, which blows my ever loving mind. So I threw a little hissy fit yesterday about how come everyone and their grandma seems to get pregnant just by sneezing and they have 10 kids when they can barely afford 1 and here I am having to spend everything we've saved for RAISING a baby on just conceiving one. I mean I know if it works it will all be worth it in my mind...but thats a lot to justify doing. And if it doesn't work..I mean thats it. We don't have the means to pay that multiple times just to *try*, you know?

7 years ago • Post starter

I completely understand. I used everything I had plus loans so know exactly what your talking about. It will be interesting to see what they tell you today and when you will start. They were probably looking at antral follicle count. Mine was 6 total the first cycle and 15 the second cycle but still only retrieved 7 eggs with 4 mature. Good luck today and hopefully you get some answers.

7 years ago

I'm starting to psych myself out, luckykap would you mind sharing your egg retrieval experience? I was doing some research and it says you're under light sedation..what was your process like?

7 years ago • Post starter

It wasn't bad at all. They use IV sedation but the process usually takes less than 30 minutes. I didn't have much bleeding or pain afterwards just went home and slept. What protocol are you doing and when do you start? I'm excited to try again:-)

7 years ago

Ugh I still don't know! I haven't seen them since the scope test, but they called and put me on some thyroid medicine to lower my number a bit and said to call one the first day of AF to schedule my next visit which is I guess when all of that will be decided. They said my AMH levels were very good though, but didnt give me an exact number. Said when AF starts they're going to start me on BC pills and that's all I know so far. It's driving me crazy! I know the first visit I go back for after AF starts though will be to get all of that information though, right now im just putting together a bunch of questions I need to ask them!

7 years ago • Post starter

When AF starts for me in December I will begin the bcp and for 21 days then meds start 2days later so I will begin them end of dec or beginning of Jan since our lab closes for a week in December. I'm taking supplements for egg quality so that gives me a little more time. I really didn't mind the whole process, it's just a lot of visits and time consuming and a lot of shots. I've thought about getting my thyroid checked to see if it has anything to do with not being able to get pregnant, I don't know if they have checked it or not.

7 years ago

That's excited! Are there certain days in your cycle that things are done? Like the egg retrieval, is that at a certain point in your cycle or just whenever you're "done cooking"? And does the embryo transfer happen at a certain time?

My thyroid number came in at about a 2.66 and normal is between .27-4.00 and they told me they wanted mine to be a bit lower because it makes it easier to conceive, so it might not hurt to check! They threw mine in with the blood tests and AMH and everything so it wouldnt take much effort. I don't think mine was hindering me, but it also wasnt helping.

7 years ago • Post starter

For me I actually stimmed slow and it took 14 days but normally you will be 10-12 and I pray you are bc the meds are so expensive. I had to keep ordering more:-/. Your egg retrieval will just depend on your stimming. So for me on day 14 of stims I took my trigger shot then retrieval was 36 hours later. My last transfer was a 3 day bc I only had 2 embryos, but they like shoot for a 5 day transfer with a blastocyte. I'm praying that this time I have more so I can get to 5 day and maybe even have some to freeze:-)

7 years ago

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