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August 2017 Babies!

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And On to The Next... 15th cycle for me. This is a group for all the women with EDD of August 2017 and hoping to get those elusive BFPs.

I'm CD3 today. I'm starting my first round of an increased dose of Clomid. I did 4 rounds of 50mg, so now doing 2 rounds of 100mg. Hopefully it works. Also taking prenatals, extra folic acid, Vitamin E, B6 and Baby Aspirin for good lining and good egg quality.

Good luck ladies!

109 Replies • 7 years ago



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Calvingirl - I'm so sorry to hear you're stressing about the cyst. I can totally understand that you're concerned and defo think you should get it checked again, if only for your own peace of mind. I bet it's nothing to be worried about! and I bet those swimmers have no issue with it Try not to let it consume too much of your thoughts. I'm here if you need to rant or have a listening ear. How are you feeling other than that, you're prob 2dpo/3dpo now are you?

Frog, I'm so sorry to see you back here :( I have no advise because with my MC I had lost it before I noticed and then I took a few months off so wasn't testing. Praying this is your month girl!

AFM, I'm 3dpo today temps = 98.21 not really as high as I'd like it but high enough. I felt like my cervix was closed during ovulation this cycle and that's discouraged me but who knows... we'll see.

Hope everyone is ok! to all

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

ZMT - I'm a loss mommy too and lost my son at birth. So sorry. I'm hoping this is both of our months and we get to have a baby in our arms this time.

ELG - Thanks, I'm trying not to stress. I'm trying not to think about it at all. It most likely is a nabothian cyst and just annoying, but I'm ready to get a second opinion.

Meanwhile, I'm 1 DPO. Got two days of strong OPKs and a nice temp rise this morning. Me and DH timed BD pretty good this month I think. We might have a shot.

7 years ago • Post starter

@calvingirl my husband and I bd A LOT tempts are rising like it should, hopefully they stay that way.

7 years ago

Hi ladies, I'll join this forum :) I O'd on CD17 (nov 12 2016) and we BD CD16, CD17,& CD18. I am 2DPO and i really want this baby to happen! MY EDD would be Aug 5th! Good luck to everyone!!!!

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7 years ago

Amarah, I'm a day behind you at 2dpo now. This part goes sooooo slllooooowwwwwllllyyyy!

My temp spiked yesterday as it should, but it sank again today. However, it is freakishly cold in my bedroom now because we haven't turned the heat on and it's actually starting to feel like fall outside so I think that's going to affect my temps. I have to keep that in mind.

7 years ago • Post starter

@calvingirl The waiting kills me every month!! As i am sure it does for all of us!!! And of course i am driving myself crazy with potential symptoms. I try and hold off testing until 10DPO. This is my 3rd month TTC. I really feel this month we BD st the right time - more than a few times lol When the mood strikes... lol I am really trying to not make my DH feel like i only want his spermies haha we joke that i use him for his spermies. I try not to schedule the BD in but we both want a baby so bad that we want to make use of our fertile days. We suffered an early m/c last month or chemical pregnancy is what they called it. So heart breaking. But the doctor told me it was find to try this cycle and count my mc as CD1. Here we go, i guess we will see. It helps to try again. I really didnt think TTC would consume my thoughts like this...but here i am! It's so nice to have all of you here to talk and share with. It's nice to have the connection with others that are going through the same thing. I just signed up for this website and there is just so much support and also really great advice! A great example of women coming together and building each other up..

I read about your cyst - i have gotten a tailbone cyst removed a few years back and it was so painful. I really hope youre not in too much pain and that you get some answers soon!!

I know it's early but do you have any symptoms? Anyone else care to share their symptoms with DPO info?

Im 3 or 4 DPO (not 100% on when i O'ed) and just today i started feeling irritable, have sore boobs/nipples, lotion like CM and i have a bit of a headache tonight. I felt a bit of dull cramping in my lower abd also.

Baby Dust to all

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7 years ago

@Amarah we are on the exact same timeline....I ov on the 12h also. My husband and I bd on the cd13, cd15, cd16, cd17(ov day), cd18, and cd19...yes we were determined this month and in the mood lol. Currently just trying to stay busy and work out as i try to pack for my trip to Florida...2WW suck

7 years ago

@ZMT we are really in sync Girl! Haha we almost BD on the same days too ...too funny. Perhaps we can get our BFPs the same day this cycle wouldn't that be twinning.

The 2ww is so painful ...but FL might help you lol I'd love to be somewhere warm. I live in western Canada and it's cold right now. Burr. Perfect excuse to snuggle up with the DH and create some heat. Jokes aside, I spent 2 weeks in FL (Orlando and Naples) a few years back. I loved it. Disney was a,among too. Felt like a kid again. Enjoy your trip!

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7 years ago

Omg Amarah that would be amazing for both of us and I wouldn't mind. I live in San Diego, California which is warm but does get pretty cold at night. What day are you going to test? I wonder when IB would occur

7 years ago

@ZMT I am going to try and wait until 10DPO. How about you ? I have a whole box of internet cheapies so I don't mind testing early.

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7 years ago

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