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BYOB: Hoping for some summer bfps!

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Hi ladies!!

Lets start things off as usual.... with an introduction/update!

My name is Joy
DH and I are both 29
we've been together just over 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom

I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby

I got a BFP on June 30th 2011
Had a missed m/c on Aug 18th 2011
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")

I Finally got back to TTC in Jan/Feb 2012 and on March 21st I got my BFP!
I am currently 14 weeks 3 days pregnant!
My first ob/gyn apt was Wed April 4th 2012
He put me on progestrone and asked to see me in 2 weeks
My next apts were April 19th 2012 & May 3rd
At our May 3rd apt (at 9 weeks5 days) we heard the best sound ever - our little one's heartbeat!!
We went for our 1st non-diagnostic u/s on May 15th and saw our little ones heartbeat & he or she was VERY active!
Had another dr apt on May 22nd and heard the heartbeat again!
Next apt is June 21st... my diagnostic u/s is July 13th
We will be going for a non-diagnostic u/s around the end of June/Beginning of July so dh can see our little peanut before he leaves on his trip.
My due date is Dec 1st 2012!

This is truly an amazing group of ladies & I really hope our string of luck (& bfps) continues!! ladies!


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296 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi Ladies,

Elle - I wish my dreams really turned out to be true. I'd have BFP's all the time! :) I sure hope your dreams mean you will be really surprised with twins!

Krunchie - Are you still bleeding today? I hope not and perhaps it was IB.

Jil - Yay for getting your cast off and good luck with the job interviews. Like Krunchie said, it's nice to have something else to occupy your time and attention. I find gardening and exercise really help me get through the weeks of waiting.

Amber - Sorry the witch showed. I don't know how they came up with that number either. Oh, math!

Joy - Have fun camping!

AFM - 10dpo today. I'm pretty sure this isn't our cycle. I started having some light brown spotting a couple days ago similar to last cycle. Not enough for a pantyliner, just when I wiped. I even had a few drinks with friends last night because I'm that sure. Now I guess I will just wait for the witch to show. I will only POAS because I'm an addict and to prove myself right.

Have a good weekend girls!


12 years ago

Gummybear - Eeek I think I'd have a panic attack if I was having twins haha! I know I'd be grateful for it etc but crikey that's a LOT of nappies to change and an even more complicated pregnancy/delivery. When I was pregnant with my DD I saw my midwife at about 10-12 weeks and she sad she thought I was maybe carrying twins because my womb was higher etc than it should have been haha (I had a scan at 8 weeks then 15) there was only 1 fetus at my 8 week scan but she said sometimes the second baby is hidden, yeah that was scary LOL but I did only have the 1 baby.

well ladies the post came today and there were NO S/A results :<

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago


Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Krunchie- hugs! I'm sorry!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

ok ladies, TMI warning here but I need advice and a place to vent my frustrations and craziness!!!

this morning when i was getting undressed for the shower, there was some brownish discharge on my underwear which is why i assumed CD1. I cant wait until a red flow for CD 1 as I dont always get red flow, so my spwcialist said work off the first day of any discharge.

so had my shower and had a quick examination of my cervix (which was hard) and my finger had more brown mucus on it and a tinge of red.

so i put on a pad so i could measure the flow that day and the colour (what fun!)

its now 4pm and ALL DAY, there was only a small brown mucus stain about the size of my little fingernail.

my back is sore and so it both of my hip joints.

Tests so far are negative.

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if its my new period starting then fine, just dont tease me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

krunchie - how's the bleeding going? I still have my fingers crossed for you

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Hello All! Phew it's been a crazy few weeks for me! I'll start by reintroducing myself...

My names Alicia and DH is Patrick. We are both 28. I went off BCP's in August of 2009, we were not trying but not preventing until March 2010 when we talked about it and actively started trying to conceive. I got a bunch of positive tests in January 2012 but then started AF two days later. I think it was a chemical, my NP thinks it was "a random HCG surge". Whatever lady! We went to a fertility clinic on January 30th 2012 and have since had an HSG done (all clear, PCOS confirmed) and completed two unsuccessful IUI's. DH and I decided to take a TTC vacation this cycle as we were both really stressed out with all the temping, times bd-ing, opk's monitors, yadda-yadda-yadda! It's kinda driving me nuts because I really wish I knew what was going on in my body right now but honestly, I am never sure when I do partake in all that ttc business! I am hoping for a miracle this cycle, but not expecting it. However we have been having fun just relaxing!

My sister finally had her baby on Tuesday June 5th! This was a majorly bittersweet moment for me. She got pregnant, doesn't really know who the father is, and now here were are 10 months later and I am still not pregnant. But he's here and I couldn't love him more. I am on vacation from work for the next week and will be spending the time staying with my sister and her bundle of joy. I'll need to keep my emotions in check this week! But now lets friggin hope its my turn!!!!!

Krunchie, I get that pulling feeling in my hips before my AF comes. Which is weird cause I've herd its supposed to be a good sign, yet I am always disappointed days later. I hope you were wrong about your cd 1!

Ellie, can you call the clinic for the results? Or maybe they can tell you when they dropped them in the mail? And aren't dreams just a tease! After all this time TTC I would probably give an ear to have twins. I know it would be more work and diapers but I feel I have some much built up love for my own child that I will suffocate my child if I only have one! lol

Gummy, I had light spotting two days before I got my positive tests in January, hopefully it's a sign of good news! And good for you for having some drinks! I hope they made you relax and every could settle in niecly! LOL

Jil, will you go on BCP's or just try to not stress over it? If you opt for BCP's they will probably make you wait longer before going to a fertility clinic when you guys start up actively again. With that being said, it is probably a good idea to put your focus on other aspects of your life. And who knows, maybe the bundle of joy will surprise you!

Joy, I hope you have a great time camping! We normally go the week of Memorial day here in the states but didn't this year and I miss it!

Thats as far back as the page will let me scroll. I am on baby watch while my sister tries to catch up on some sleep and he's starting to stir so I better tend to him before he gets his engine running! Hey, if mother nature wants to be a stupid b*tch and not let me be a mommy, I can be a fantastic Aunt can't I?

everyone and I really hope all of our hopes and dreams come true soon with our very own BFP's and Stickey Beans!

Me: Alicia (29) ~ DH: Patrick (29) TTC #1 Since August 2009 with PCOS 1st & 2nd (March & May 2012) IUI Cycles w/ Clomid = BFN's 6/24/12 - 3rd IUI cycle w/ Gonal-F and Lupron. IUI on 7/9. TWINS! Born 2/11/13 Back on the NTNP train as of September 2013 hoping for a boy someday!

12 years ago

only a small amount of bleeding again so far but its still early and test as neg again, so am just going to assume its a def no and move on

so, opinion on something new now please ladies!

having a shorter cycle than first thought, DH should be home for the next ovulation, but we had planned on doing an IUI this time. SHould we use DH or IUI?

I'm thinking IUI as its not worked so far with DH doing his thing so thought it might be a good idea to try something new and see how that goes.

My next appointment is 2nd July but I am going to change that because we have decided to go to Thailand on holiday as we both need to get away and decided it was more important that getting the earlier specialist appointment.

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Ok here comes more crazy!!

No more blood ( or mor accurately brown mucus ) since this morning and now my cervix is so high I can barely reach it!!!

So is this cd 2 or 12 dpo??

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

krunchie - it could well be 12dpo with implantation happening around 10dpo which is a common time. Give it a few more days and re test when HCG levels would be built up. You could be getting BFN because your embryo has just landed

And id it id CD2, can you do IUI AND use DH?

to you

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

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