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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Beaut1ful38. Oh that's awesome to hear. I would hate to test on the wrong times and completely miss out. I will only be testing once a day as that is what the box says. I found that there is not enough time in the morning to test and then get ready for work at the same time.

@MidnightMystery. Welcome and so glad you were able to find the forum.

@FlamingoGirl13. Does the box also say that it keeps track of your other tests? That's what mine says but could be different from yours.

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6 years ago

@pearl Thankyou for replying! How many cycle days do you have usually? I also have a five year old little madam lol but ideally id like my boy to have a sibling nearer in age so they can play and wear the same clothes uno lol get them all into the world as soon as i can really! Im just litrally wondering if id have my usual 26days or 33days like last month although it looks likely as im on cd26 today and no show!
@flamingogirl thank you also for the reply and welcoming! I think i ovulated around the 8/9th oct i get a migraine and sciatic pain so usually easy to tell for me i also remember feeling very full on one side my right side around the 16/17th late for ovulating so hoping it could be inplantation however no bleed. So id say i ovulate on cd11 if that sounds correct! All this maths and that was my least favourite subject at school lol.xx

Baby dust to all come on ladies we can do it :)

6 years ago

dragonfly- i tested at work LOL (secretly) then when i got home, but only when i noticed my opk lines were getting close to match the control line.

pearl325- i will keep you updated!! As well for you let me know.

FlamingoGirl13 - Good luck on opk's, again we are here if you need help. i did keep mine for reference so i can go back and check lines just in case. then when cycle over threw them out.

MidnightMystery -baby dust to you as well! im not that great either as im still finding out new things since i joined CTP Site.

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery I typically have between 27 and 30 day cycles. it varies a tiny bit each month. Right now I am on cd 25 so I'm getting close! PRAYING AF doesn't come. I hear you on sharing clothes and all that! i was kind of thinking the same thing and also that they would be starting school close to each other so i wouldnt have one in school and one in daycare for a few years. I over plan everything haha.

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6 years ago

@ dragonfly - Mine does keep track of the hormones as well. I'm looking forward to really pin pointing my ovulation this cycle!

We have a nice spread of ladies throughout our cycles. I'm looking forward to seeing your pregnancy tests for those closer to the end of their cycles!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I would too, but I think people might be suspicious if I am gone from the bathroom for more than 5 minutes lol.

@FlamingoGirl13. To be honest, I am too as it would be nice to know exactly when I am instead of going on feelings. Right now, just feeling some twinges in the hip areas. I'm waiting patiently for the day when the test finally says yes and then that would mean that I will Ovulate in 24-36 hours. Good luck to you.

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6 years ago

@ dragonfly - Good luck to you too! You are getting close!!!

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. Thank you. Good luck to you as you are not that far behind me.

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies.
I'm joining this group for positivity and good vibes.
My last AF was Oct. 29. AF is due tomorrow or Thanksgiving (of course). We have been trying to have baby #2 for a few years but I found out I needed a polypectomy. So now that's taken care of. We and my OB are positive it will happen quick!
I have had two faint positives on that crappy clear blue + test. My hubbie wants me to wait until Friday to see if AF comes if NOT... we better be getting a clear positive. Lol. It's time!!!

6 years ago

Welcome Jdot0216! I hope you get that BFP! Friday will be here quick this week with Thanksgiving to take your mind of testing. Good luck!

6 years ago

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