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June 2015 - IVF/IUI

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All I have to say is Good Luck ladies :)

Hopefully June 2015 will bring lots of BFPs and all those will stick.


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

349 Replies • 9 years ago



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TTC - after last IVF my acupuncturist told me to take CoQ10 as well. As far as I know not all the CoQ10 vitamins are equal. Some are better then others. I was on ProCoQ10 - supposedly those are better absorbing then the regular one that you can just buy at local pharmacy store - how much truth is in that I don't know.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

TTC - I'm sorry. I hope my comment didn't upset you. I can imagine how you might feel like your time is limited, especially hearing that from your RE. Truly praying that it happens for you soon.

9 years ago

Basia: That is wonderful news! Cannot wait for the next update!

I just got off the phone with the pharmacy, holy moly! We are gearing up for our first round of IVF. I will be taking Menopour, Ganerelix, Follistim, HCG Trigger, Medrol Tablets, Progestrone in Oil and Antiobotioics for me and the hubby. We are so blessed with fertility coverage and the cost of meds out of pocket is way less than I originally feared. Tomorrow I go for my Sonohysterogram, trial transfer, bloodwork and consent signing. We are leaving for vacation August 1 so we are using that as a deadline and working forward. Depending on when AF shows, starting very scant spotting today-should start Sat, will determine the exact timing of everything. Ahhhhh, starting to get super nervous!!

TTC 2+ years Me 29 DH 30 4 cycles of Clomid + Trigger BFN 3 cycles IUI with Follistim + trigger BFN IVF #1 Chemical Pregnancy :( IVF #2 BFN FET #1 BFP!!! Beta Numbers 4.1- 168

9 years ago

Texas-sadly I turn 40 in just over 2 months

Cate- no it didn't upset me at all! I was just letting you know why I feel that way. I get a lot of people around me who tell me so and so had a baby at whatever age that is older than me. But their situation is not the same as mine. I'm only working with part of my left ovary so that doesn't help.

Jackie- good luck!!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

I was also on CoQ10 leading up to IVF. I made sure my DH was on it as well. I took DHEA, DHA, CoQ10, Vitamin D and baby asprin. Once we started IVF, they had me stop DHEA but i kept taking everything else. I took baby aspirin until my BFP i think.

I know it sounds funny ladies, but there are so many little things you can do that are supposed to help with getting pregnant. I did them all while going through IVF because i thought...why not!

I always kept my feet warm with socks. I boughts lots of fuzzy socks. Warm feet = a warm uterus. I also stopped eating cold foods after my retreival (so for others, ovulation) and ate lots of warm foods and soups. I also ate pinneapple core from the day of my transfer on until when i thought implantion would occur. For IVF they say its usually 2-5 days after transfer. I ate it for a week. They say to stay away from pinneapple until AFTER ovulation because it makes your CM more acidic. I also read that peas are a natural contraceptive. I honestly have NO clue if any of this did anything at all....but it was worth a shot and hey, i am pregnant! ALso, i of course did acupunture.

9 years ago

LS: Thanks for all the tips and tricks! I did acupuncture and ate pineapple core with my last IUI and plan on doing both again with my first IVF. So excited for you to find out the gender next week!

Keth: So glad your biopsy is clear and your back to TTC :)

Margie: A natural cycle can be a blessing! When I took a few months off in between IUI 2 and 3, I really felt my stress level lower. Good luck!

Baby: I would recommend calling your insurance company and giving them a little nudge. For some reason they always deny my IUI claims, then I make a phone call my RE resubmit the claim and they magically approve it. Insurance can be so frustrating!

TTC and Cate: What are your next steps?

While: will you wait to hear back from the grants before doing another cycle of any kind?

Sorry if missed anyone.... Prayers for everyone and their BFP :)

TTC 2+ years Me 29 DH 30 4 cycles of Clomid + Trigger BFN 3 cycles IUI with Follistim + trigger BFN IVF #1 Chemical Pregnancy :( IVF #2 BFN FET #1 BFP!!! Beta Numbers 4.1- 168

9 years ago

TTC - I can understand that for sure. Prayers for you.

LS - Thanks for that information! Because you girls have raved about it, I'm going to start acupuncture when my benefits are back (not until Sept.) but still, I'm looking forward to it.

Jackie - Our next step is IVF. We'll have to save quite a bit to be able to pay for it. Until we do, we'll just be trying on our own and pinching pennies. We are very fortunate that our medications will be mostly covered though. Crazy how many meds you're going to start on! Many more than I'm used to taking for IUI. I'm excited for you to start this process. Take some ibuprofen before your sonohystagram tomorrow.

9 years ago

Ls-I always wear warm fuzzy socks at home. Even to bed. I don't like when my feet are bare

Jackie- when I get AF I will have a baseline scan and if all is well I will do Femara cd 3-7 again and IUI.

Thank you Cate!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

@jackie - Good i am glad! Who knows if they help but can't hurt :) When will you begin IVF? Thanks! We are so excited. It still seems so weird that we will be able to know so soon! ONE good thing about IVF is your doctor will most likely list you as high risk, which gives you ultrasounds at every doctor's appointment :) No complaints here!

@cate- I am SO glad you are going to do it! It's be BEST thing ever. I have no idea what it does or how to explain it, but it totally works! I am so excited to hear how you like it! I am excited for your IVF journey to begin. It is scary but its so hopefull too. Yes, the meds are outragous! When ours shipped to us, we laid everything out on the table and it was super overwhelming. DH was a huge help though. Since my job was to grow follicles and be a healthy incubator, his job was to make sure the medicine was kept correctly, and to measure everything out, along with giving me my shots at the specific time. I think it made him feel like he was a part of it and doing his part but also it took a lot of stress off of me! That's amazing that your meds will be covered! We saved and saved and saved...sold everything we could from our house, which sounds super funny, but you'd be shocked at what you have and don't need! We also got very lucky with the timing as we got our tax return around the same time. We had to put our meds on a cc, but we were able to pay it off fast. DH also took a second job at his current work which was nice. Good luck pinching pennies...its totally worth it!

TTC- I am the same way! Except i usually wear flats to work, so i really struggled with that ha. I brought slippers to work so i could always wear those at my desk too :)

@Basia- well, what's our embryo update???

9 years ago

LS- I don't get updates - I will find out on Saturday how many developed.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

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