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Current 11dpo looking for fellow first timers for support

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Hi all, we have been TTC our first for 6 months now and I have been on these boards reading almost every single day, this process has now gotten so obsessive to me my DH is tired of me over analyzing everything only to be let down with a BFN every single month.

I'm 11dpo now, AF is due on Saturday (5/14) and I have taken probably 6 internet cheapies since 9dpo and I keep getting BFN. Every month I feel like I get the symptoms, then just chalk them up to AF time. This month has been a bit different:

0-7dpo: Not much change, I just noticed I was VERY gassy (like I am during AF) and bloated
8dpo: breasts got very tender and I was woken up to cramps during the night.
9dpo: breasts still tender, starting to get noticeable veins, mild cramps on and off again waking me up in the night. BFN (tested today because of Mother's Day, thought it would be a sign and a welcome surprise)
10dpo: Still bloated/gassy, breast tenderness goes down, veins disappearing, thick CM appears BFN
11dpo: Today - breasts only sore to the touch. Still bloated and gassy. No hints of anything else.

I am one who has VERY painful cramps at AF time and never thought I really cramped beforehand, the last few months I've gotten these mild cramps a couple of days early which then led to AF, but this time they were a full 7 days before AF which has never happened and I feel this is making me obsess even more.

I hope you ladies accept me into the community! I just know and hope having some support will help ease my mind and if another BFN pops up I know I will need the help to get through it and start from scratch again :(

713 Replies • 8 years ago



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Well, I took a FRER this morning and BFN (12 dpo) Still the twinges in my lower pelvic area (not much tho). I guess I'll just have to wait and see if AF shows on Wednesday. Temp is still up though. I have a friend who had ZERO positives until 1-2 days after expected AF. So, I'm probably out this month, BUT I'm technically still in until the witch shows I guess ;-)

7 years ago

Well we got some answers. Starting cycle 9 and feeling extremely defeated DH had a sperm analysis done and we found out he has a low sperm count. So while not IMPOSSIBLE to get a BFP, the chances are just that much lower. Anyone else have any experience with this? We're starting on fertiliaid today, BD'ing every 3 days, using preseed, and taking vitamins. Hopefully this boosts something! Will know in 3 weeks

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm glad you have some answers babybump! Now you know where to start. I wish I could say I have experience with this, but I don't. I hope the fertiliaid works! I've seen some very positive reviews.
Keep us updated!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Sarah!

AF showed for me today. I'm pretty upset. I don't really know WHY I'm upset since I've received about 3-4 BFN in the past week. This has been my longest cycle ever to date. 42 days. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up with all those negatives, but I did. I even imagined symptoms, which got my hopes even higher.
Well, cheers to day 1, I suppose!

7 years ago

Oh wow, a 42 day cycle!? I was so sure being so late was a good sign, I'm sorry :( At my doctor visit she was saying while it's not a medical opinion, she has seen women who have "weird" periods end up getting pregnant within the next couple of months. So maybe thats a sign for you??

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies! Babybump, I'm sure it's not the news you wanted to hear, but I'm glad that y'all now have some answers and hopefully with a few tweaks, you can get your BFP soon!!

Jenna, sorry AF showed...I'm sure it was so frustrating and disappointing to have such a long cycle and then have AF show up :(

I'm doing ok. I'm on CD 32, with AF expected tomorrow. Normally the day before I have AF cramps, sore boobs, lower backache and sometimes body aches (growing up and before I got on BC pill, I had irregular cycles and it was the ONLY way I knew the witch was coming!) The only thing I have are some leg cramps, which isn't unusual before AF. That's it though. I had a dip in my temp but that might or might not mean anything haha. My cervix also still felt high and softish this morning. I fully expect AF to show tomorrow, but if so, what a cruel trick my body has been playing on me ;-)

I didn't bother testing today. If AF shows, I'll know and if not, I'll wait a day to test. I read a lot last night that some women never get a positive until a few days after their expected/missed AF, so I didn't want to waste a test today when I'll either get AF or may not get a BFP yet if AF doesn't show. I'll keep you ladies posted!

7 years ago

I want to join in on the convo...

I am 11 dpo, and was having weird symptoms (heavy bbs, cramping, low appetite). Plus on my 2nd yeast infection since Oing...

This is our 1st month TTC (with 1st baby and I am 30. I do have 3 adopted kiddos 5b,7b,15g). I am SO confused when to really test though because I O July 1-4th, then had a two day super short period 5th and ended mid day on the 6th???

So I think I am too early to test since my period isnt due until 1st week of august?? Not sure if that "flushed" things out Ovin 1st thru 4th then period 5th and 1/2 6th?

We started out using Pre-Seed, and Fertility Blend (plus never charted so it could be symptoms from those things).

Baby dust to all...

7 years ago

Welcome Sheena! Those are promising symptoms, but I'm a little confused at your dates which may be whats making you confused on when to test. "Normally" you ovulate just 1 day about 2 weeks after AF. The spike you get on ovulation tests are showing you you're ABOUT to ovulate (kind of like a warning) and not actually telling you you're ovulating, in actuality its a very small window for ovulation (but you still want to BD during those days so the spermy is there waiting!). I'm actually not sure if it's possible to ovulate and then get AF the next couple of days so maybe that wasn't AF since it was so weird for you? Have you taken a test yet?

Normally a test won't be positive until the day of your missed period. If you were 11dpo you should be expecting AF in the next week or so (the cycle starts over when AF starts and AF usually comes around 14dpo if you're on a 28 day cycle) so if you did have AF you're having to start a new cycle and are looking towards your next ovulation which would be around this weekend!

I hope that makes sense! I'm no doctor, just someone who has been doing a lot of internet reading on all of this for the past year! lol You know your body better than anyone though, so I hope its all a good sign for you!

7 years ago • Post starter

So I got the smiley faces on July 1-4th, and then started to bleed July 5th and half of 6th... Prior to this month I havent been charting but usually got my period 1st week of the month....

Blah! I have tested but BFN so far... but I think it is too soon?

I get off and on nausea too.. blah! Ah it is so confusing!

So per my cycle.. I got the smiley faces around the 24th of my cycle up to the 27th day (very late...) and will expect my period around the 1st week of August...

Does that make sense? Basically ovulated then period (on 5th and half of 6th) around the same time.

7 years ago

Well, I'm out, AF showed up today. It was definitely a sad and emotional morning. I keep trying to remind myself that we are only NTNP and not really TTC and this was the first cycle I ovulated after getting off the bc pill. My next fertile window supposedly should mostly fall over the weekend so that's good.

I'm not going to opk or track anything this cycle. Just feeling too defeated and it hurts too much to get AF after all the time and energy I put in. I'll still be on here checking in with you ladies and will be here for encouragement!! :) GL this new cycle!

7 years ago

I'm sorry Sarah :( Its an awful feeling and it's going to take a few days to get motivated again, I was just a mess the first day of AF this time after all the work I put in so I know how you feel.

Sheena - Thats rare to ovulate that close to AF, but still possible so at least you know! Once AF shows it starts back over though, so you're in a new cycle right now and looking for your next ovulation and there's no reason to test. So if you started AF on July 5th you're cycle day 9 right now and haven't yet ovulated for this cycle. I recommend getting a cycle app (I use mydays and ovia) they will tell you what cycle day you're on, your expected ovulation (they learn your cycle patterns) and Ovia can tell you the best time to BD. Hope that helps, good luck!

7 years ago • Post starter

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