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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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@afmedic: thanks! I'm dilated to 6.5-7cm and have my epidural. Sorry the machine was acting up :(

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10 years ago

JLH I agree with afmedic about spotting = O soon! Woohoo!

afmedic I am glad you at least got to see it! I cannot imagine how awful it would be to not see OR hear it at the appt because the machine was just screwed :-P haha!

SMH woohoo you go girl! Does it hurt? I mean, probably not, after an epidural and all. But still. ;)

AFM my chart is setting some major land-speed records. 98.5 degrees at only 3 DPO. Even in a previous medicated cycle it took me until a week DPO to reach that. This is AWESOME because I'm sure it means my progesterone is totally ballin'. Unfortunately it is having odd side effects like sleeping terribly (I was awake for 3 hours, then fell back asleep for 2 hours, huh).

10 years ago • Post starter

Smh is Rella here yet!!! Hello ladies just checking in with everyone. I'm at work as usual!

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10 years ago

Rella is here. She made her entrance this morning. I'll let so much hope fill you in on all the details when she gets a chance. Just wanted to let everyone know mom and baby are perfect!

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10 years ago

Yea!!!! Congrats SMH!!!!

Luv- Glad your temps are nice and toasty. No sleep from progesterone, never really knew that, maybe that's why I can't sleep, I wake up I swear like ever 2 hours!

Cam- How you feeling??

AFM- Ugh truck died this morning looks like I gotta get a new alternator .

10 years ago

Cam hello hello! :)

snr thanks for the update!

Woohoo SMH! So glad mom and baby are doing great. Can't wait to see you back on the board!

afmedic it's true, progesterone can make you feel really tired but then mess with your sleep! Mother Nature has a bizarre sense of humor :-P Sorry about your truck! I don't know anything about alternators but I hope they aren't too expensive!

10 years ago • Post starter

Afm sorry about the truck and I hope you get some sleep soon. Luv o pray it's your turn. I don't have any specific symptoms to tell the boobs hurt but that's not unusual. I'm on cd 19 I'll know by the first if it's time to try again. Time to study now I'll check in later. Smh congrats on the delivery of Rella and I'm glad you both are ok. By now your heart has swelled up with sooo much love that you never thought possible enjoy my sister.

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10 years ago

SMH---so happy to hear that all is well. I can't wait to hear all the details about the labor and delivery process and of course pictures of the adorable Rella! :)

Luv--woot woot! congrats on reaching your goal. That's fantastic!

afmedic--I completely feel your pain on the no sleep--I can't remember the last time I really slept. Not kidding--I wake up so frequently (at least every 1-2 hours every.single.night.) that I just never really rest. Hopefully it settles down after the first trimester-usually most people have fewer symptoms overall once they hit the second. We're waiting--only 9 days left until our appointment.

Jada--have fun in Vegas! It's such a cool place--I especially love buffets and the m&m store. lol. Crispy m&ms for the win! :)

well, I'm feeling a bit stressed and stress usually = self deprecation and overall sadness. I'm trying not to let it spiral out of control but it's hard--especially since I've been overeating for the past 2 weeks. Stress + overeating usually brings all sorts of irrational thoughts out and turns me into my worst enemy. SIGH! Anyway, nothing new to report here. I hope everyone is well.

10 years ago

SMH posted on FB that Rella was born yesterday at 10:07 AM and was 7 lb 8 oz and 20.5". Sounds like she was almost exactly my size as a baby! And look at me now! LOL :-P

Cam GL this cycle and GL with your studying! :)

lawbride I'm sorry you're feeling stressed, honestly I don't know how you're holding it together, between law school and pregnancy hormones of COURSE you are stressed out! Don't beat yourself up too much for overeating, I always tell my clients that you make good and bad choices one at a time so it's never too late to start good ones :) Hopefully you will get a good night of sleep soon, it is ridiculous that it's been so bad for you for so long :(

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--thanks sweetness. Just one thing at a time...that's what I have to remember. I'm sure ill get it together--today has already been better! How are you?

10 years ago

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