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Insult to Injury: A Tale of Bad Bedside Manner

Yesterday I called the doctors office to cancel my HCG blood test since my tests had been negative since Friday night 3 days before, and I had started bleeding - so the process had begun. They insisted I come in anyway to make sure it wasn't ectopic, even though it was such an early loss. The nurse I had been dealing with was very sympathetic and gentle, and I consented.

I had to wait an hour and half after my appointment just to get a little blood drawn and then was told I had to get a Rhogam shot. I'm Rh-, and my husband doesn't know his blood type so I consented to that too and had to wait another 20 minutes - making me very late to a meeting at work. I was pissed off and depressed and my a$$ hurt from that shot.

That night, the bleeding got way worse and I started passing.. well, clots. One as big as my fist. Definitely my liner had gotten much thicker this month.

So I get a call from the Drs. office this morning from a CNM that I've literally known for 20 years and always liked before, who told me that my HCG was less than 1 and it was impossible that I miscarried over the weekend. I was never pregnant because HCG doesn't go down that fast. Must've been a bad batch of tests.

I'm like, WHAT? Uh no. I took about 30 tests, 3 different brands and they were all getting darker till Friday, and then went down gradually throughout the day so by Friday night were negative. That's how fast it went down. Then I didn't start AF till Sunday, but yes, I lost it 2-3 days before that - which was 4 days before I took that blood test. OF COURSE it was negative by then. I suspect it never got above 50 or 60. So she said, "well then you were only pregnant for 1 or 2 days so it's not a big deal. You'll have to come in for a Rhogam shot though (like I'm being punished for insisting I was actually pregnant and it wasn't in my head.)"

Mind blown and I'm furious. NOT A BIG DEAL??!! You would say that to someone who has struggled with infertility for over 2 years not counting the full term stillborn baby she had before that???? OF COURSE IT WAS A BIG DEAL!! EVERY LOSS IS A BIG DEAL!!

I only said, "yeah, read the chart. I already did that yesterday." and she said, "Oh Ok, we'll have to keep an eye on that." and hung up.

I hate doctors. I hate them all. Just when one makes me think they are nice, they say something stupid like that.

4 Comments • 6 years ago



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Comments (sorted by informative)

1 - 4 of 4 Comments

Very sorry for your loss, those who've never had to struggle, often times are less than empathetic. Forget her and lean on your support system. Very sorry for your loss!

After 6 years TTC with MFI number 1 was born December 12 2018

6 years ago

I'm so sorry how awful :(!

<img src=

6 years ago

I've never been through anything close to what you've experienced... but I did get booked for a D&E only to find out - during an u/s I requested before - that my baby was very much alive. She's 1.5 yrs old now. I agree so wholeheartedly- doctors and nurses are so often hardened and used to the status quo that they fail to treat each patient as an individual. ????

6 years ago

so sorry you had to deal with that... that is awful...
I agree every loss is a big deal !!!

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

6 years ago

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