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Definitely not a good week

I found out on Monday that my insurance will not cover the meeting with the infertility doc. They will not take payments and it is about $300. That is just not feasible for multiple appointments. Then the tests and labs on top of's devastating. We can't afford that kind of expense. I have no idea what to do, my ob/gyn won't give me Clomid or treat me for infertility.

I'm sad. I'm hurt. I'm angry. I'm losing hope. It was within my grasp and now I feel like it has been ripped from the realm of possibilities.

I'm just so lost.

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6 Comments • 9 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

1 - 6 of 6 Comments

Tough spot. But...consider going for one appointment with the RE & tell them you can't afford mulitple visits, just want the basic testing. Or, try switching to an RE who will allow payment arrangements. Call and ask different clinics in your area. Or...get some basic testing done by your family doctor so insurance will cover those (ie TSH, vitamin D level & checking for anemia, A1C). Maybe consider switching to an OB who will prescribe clomid. If you're don't find what you need in the spot you're looking, look in a different spot! {{Hugs}}

9 years ago

Oh sweetie I'm so sorry. :( I understand how you feel. We currently make too much to qualify for assistance but not enough to afford the "affordable" care act so we fight this battle with every doctors appointment. I hope something gives and you can get the answers you need. BIG HUGS!

9 years ago

I didn't think of this during my first comment and I'm not sure the tests you're looking for are available but there are "internet labs" out there where you can find a local laboratory and select and pay for the tests you want done, go to the lab to submit samples and you get the results back on line. The cost is relatively reasonable since you don't have to deal with co-pays or doctors office fees. It may not apply to what you need but I wanted to throw it out there.

9 years ago

I am in the same boat! I've been trying for almost 2 years and can't afford the testing needed to qualify for clomid or any other fertility treatment! So there's nothing to do but sit around and wait

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9 years ago

Oy, thanks for the support ladies! I needed to take a few days to try regrouping. My thoughts have been going round and round and I know if I keep trying alternate routes I will eventually get some kind of help.

pbc - Thanks for your response on my forum post too. I also tried to call a family Dr. in my area that was suggested to me by a few people with thyroid issues. He was suggested because he is so good at finding answers, listening to complaints, and is very good at treating thyroid issues. I called his office and tried to become a new patient but he is not currently taking new patients. (UGH!!!) However, he has a Physician's Assistant whom is also highly recommended. I attempted to make an appointment and was nearly hung up on after they said they do not take my insurance, even though I checked with ins company first and they said that doc is covered. (another UGH!!!) So, here is my plan.....

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9 years ago • Post starter

comment continued...
I will call back and make an appointment anyway because the out of pocket cost is most def less than the specialist and go from there. If that doesn't work I'll find an actual endo (not an RE) and see if that can work.

eat2nourish - They are the only infertility treatment facility in my whole state! So switching isn't really an option. Hubs and I talked about saving up for at least one appointment. I'm switching family doc's because of our recent move and that has been an ordeal too! (see my reply to pbc!) Thanks for the support!

amdouthitt - That affordable care isn't so affordable! I've thought about getting the labs done myself but I would still need the doc to look at them and prescribe necessary meds. It's all such a cluster!

WaitingwithHope - Having no other options really stings. It sucks you are going through the financing issue too. It makes you feel so helpless and trapped. I hope things take a turn for the better for you guys!!

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9 years ago • Post starter

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