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Morning sickness, please help

Do any of you ladies have any tips to help settle / cope with morning sickness (that lasts all day and night) I haven't been able to eat or drink much for the past few days because of it, I literally can't keep anything down no matter how small, even drinking water makes me feel so awful. I have to lay down until it goes away and when it does, soon as I move it comes right back again. It's disturbing my sleep too. I'm spending more time in the bathroom than I am out of it. Can anybody help? Thank you x x

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11 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

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I had that same issue with both of my pregnancies really bad. With my first it was really bad and the only thing that I found that worked was as soon as I got up I would eat a saltine cracker (Not the cheapos or generic but actual Saltine brand crackers) and I would munch on those for awhile. The doctor was about to prescribe me a nausea med before I found that method to work. Then when I had my daughter a friend mentioned Preggie Pops to me and they actually helped me also. Just make sure that you are getting enough fluids in so that you don't get dehydrated (did that 1st pregnancy, sucked :) Good luck and hope all gets better and goes well!!

10 years ago

Cola, a friend recommended x

10 years ago

I carried a Peppermint Foot Spray with me everywhere i went. I was nauseous 24/7 and when it would get really bad I would spray some on my sleeve, my collar, or into a kleenex and just inhale it.

It helped a ton!

10 years ago

My friend had it super bad and she was getting sick constantly at work. Her doc prescribed her a anti-nausea med and she said it worked perfectly from there on. I would talk to your doc!

10 years ago

Ginger Ale was my life saver!

10 years ago


Ask your doctor about zofran ! It's an anti nausea medicine and has saved me!

10 years ago

What has helped me ALOT are sun flower seeds! They are my best friend right now lol. As soon as you wake up suck on seeds and they seem to calm your nausea down, I think its the salt that helps. I eat then back to my seeds. Just make sure you drink lots of water, they make you real thirsty anyway. Preggie pops, ginger ale, crackers, pretzels have not worked for me. Hope this helps! =)

10 years ago

Hi Emmajay,

Congratulations !! :)

Try this one. 1 Tspoon Mint juice + 1 Tspoon lemon juice + 1 Tspoon jinjer juice + 1 Tspoon honey mix it all together and take two times in a day. May this helps you.

Thank you. :)

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10 years ago

One more tip: few leaves of mint leafs mix in very hot water and inhale.

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10 years ago

My first pregnancy I had all day and night nausea and threw up 3-5 times every day for my entire pregnancy. so I feel your pain!!! the doctor ended up putting me on promethazine (Phenergan) and it helped me keep food down and made the nausea bearable. Also, carbonated water helped me find a bit of relief. I hope you can find something that works!! good luck! :)

10 years ago

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