What women are saying

8 days past ovulation

Page 133

lyssamc25  11 years ago
very emotional, and irritable. thinking af is soon .


Helobaby  11 years ago
Yesterday I had no symptoms. Today I am exhausted, sore bb, cramps, bloated and sad! Oh, and hungry :) when do you test?


Dixon6078  11 years ago
Had AF cramps today, extreme heaviness or achy in lower abdomen area, sleepy, increased appetite. BFN




mrod1057  11 years ago
lower left abd pain. sore bbs. tired. consipation. keeping FX!


Dixon6078  11 years ago
Gassy, bloated, soreness above pelvic line, tender boobs mainly left one), runny nose


kristina928  11 years ago
mild cramps, spotting, nausea, tender breasts/feeling full, bloated.... hoping spotting isn't AF a little early


happyturtle  11 years ago
No symptoms, just feel like AF is coming since I have my usual achy legs/vagina. BFN this morning (of course, since its so early)


Babyhopingfor  11 years ago
a bit of spotting yesterday and this early morning. Cramping with waves of nasuea and extremly tired.


razzadmarie  11 years ago
mild /dull cramps/ pinching - creamy white fluid two days ago, really moody


Meburge29  11 years ago
Spotting yesterday, feel like I'm getting a UTI, exhausted, emotional, bbs are huge and sore and I feel sick every time I eat


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