What women are saying

7 days past ovulation

Page 35

SarahBeth24  8 years ago
Sleepy, cramps but more so on my right side, sore nipples and a headache


kitchenmagic  8 years ago
Exhausted, asleep by 9 last night, full breasts, urgency to pee


lolson  8 years ago
Very gassy, tired, full breasts, vivid dreams




Liberrygrl   8 years ago
Horrible headache, nauseated, tired, metallic taste in my mouth.


Clover333  8 years ago
Today I started bleeding ... 7 days before my period is actually due. I was thinking this could be "implantation bleeding''


Liberrygrl   8 years ago
Horrible headache, nauseated, tired, metallic taste in my mouth.


Liberrygrl   8 years ago
Horrible headache, nauseated, tired, metallic taste in my mouth.


jenny1231983  8 years ago
tired and gassy! had awful cramping at 5dpo but no cramps now


Xiomara  8 years ago
Mild cramping on both sides of pelvis, twingy, uterus feels like its pulling


SuperRoo  8 years ago
So so exhausted. Really sore nipples, very bloated and gassy. Not much cramping yet. That's still to come ????


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