What women are saying

7 days past ovulation

Page 172

Cradle&all  12 years ago
Went to bed @8:30pm, woke up and still tired. Twinges in uterus all night. Headache, throat hurts. Stomach bubbles. 7dpo today.


adale0181  12 years ago
Head cold, achy, weird cramps that feel the same as ovulation cramps, headache


joeswifey  12 years ago
7dpo (today) sore nipples, which i never notice before AF, been taking cat naps for about 3 days now. boobs feel heavier.




BabyD84  12 years ago
I have been having very itcy nipples on and off for a week and have been getting dizzy spells when i stand up


charmjoy91  12 years ago
7 dpo &twinges in my stomach, no soreness yet, no where near period!


turtele54  12 years ago
I normally feel nauseous before AF but this is the first time I've gone without it. I think I'm out this month.


DREAMN4AGIRL  12 years ago
think trigger is still in my system got bfp(7dp trigger), crankiness, very tired and sleepy. Have to pee alot, but it could be from the tea.


FRANCES05  12 years ago
temp 98.6 am. sore breasts heavy. peeing alotthats all really feel out this month. think trigger is still in my system got bfp(9dp trigger)


susanmarie31  12 years ago
i started spotting six days post ovulation and ive never experienced this before so im kinda confused i know its too early for my period


moimoi  12 years ago
Waves of nausea, sore breasts, crankiness, dull ache in my abdomen.


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