What women are saying

7 days past ovulation

Page 145

davinap  11 years ago
very much gassy, with a lil discharge... no abdominal pain yet.


Amyfran  11 years ago
When you ladies say cramps or abdominal pain, do you mean things tha l


mamabear101  11 years ago
being sooo sensitive! Crying while watching the news!




alafond  11 years ago
fatigue, fuller bbs but not sore, cramps low front, gassy, burping


Daisysmama86  11 years ago
lots of lower abdominal pain, gassy, tired and super crabby!


ashergirl513  11 years ago
I've had mild cramps but they hurt more on the left side, a backache, flatulence, moodiiness, heartburn and nausea at night for 3 days now..


WishinforaPeanutt  11 years ago
Its weird...but my eyes feel exhausted *LOL*, like very dry. Mild, mild occasional cramping on lower left side.


Clarice80  11 years ago
oh and very emotional.... more so than with pms


Clarice80  11 years ago
very tired, slight cramps on lower left side, gassy, boobs are fuller but not sore, burping and nausea


emmanic  11 years ago
sorry keep remembering more! very thirsty, tired


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