What women are saying

7 days past ovulation

Page 140

Jacckett920  11 years ago
I am absolutely exhausted! Backache, itchy b


jamareschelle  11 years ago
bloating, gas, fatigue, slight pulling or pushing sensation in my abdomen, somewhat moody, very vivid dreams for a couple nights now


skylar  11 years ago
and gas




skylar  11 years ago
mild cramping with lower back pain and pains in my ovaries


CutiePieMom  11 years ago
cold symptoms this morning. have to pee everytime I look at liquid. fatigue. nausea. gas.


Ms11bee   11 years ago
fatigued, Headaches, twinges n light pulls @ my lower abdomen, slight but noticeable twlinge just below my navel .. peeing a lot,


MRSCLEMENS88  11 years ago
7 dpo and I have every symptom on here wow.. and uhh i feel aweful cant wait until 10 DPO so i can test.


Jamie_xo  11 years ago
Crampy since 4dpo, sore boobs, TIRED, frequent urination. Tested today, bfn but its still early


JChamp24  11 years ago
I had several symptoms yesterday, today I'm just exhausted. Wish I could test already!


shannafletcher  11 years ago
cramping, sore boobs, ready for 10dpo so i can test!!


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