What women are saying

5 days past ovulation

Page 144

Firefighters wifey  12 years ago
5po:moody tired,headache,twinges lower abdomen, MOODY and nauseous. My hips are hurting too'


Cathfaf  12 years ago
contnd from below and iv urinated 7 times today and its only 4pm! x


Cathfaf  12 years ago
headache, backache, legs hurt, weird pain behind my navel pain left hand side




olismummy  12 years ago
sore boobs they feel HUGE!! lol but getting cramp? Think im out? Testing on Wed, fingers crossed x


couldthisbe3  12 years ago
nauseous this morning, pulling sensation on either side of pelvis, throbbing on left abdomen, acne, gas and sore nips


pinkzebra92  12 years ago
weird tastes in my mouth, feeling bloated, slightly tender breats, moody, and very hungry


pinkzebra92  12 years ago
i am tired all the time, pain in my lower left abdomen, pressure in middle abdomen, headaches, mild nausea, weird smells not around me,


kim9011  12 years ago
very sick...this morn i pucked up yellow bile. very dizzy which wore off and has now came back.. twinges very low on left hand side


lenae1982  12 years ago
pressure in lower abdomen when sitting, aching in left lower abdomen, gassy and bloated. Also aching in my left breast.


Metal_Yuri  12 years ago
starving, i jus ate so much meatloaf but i feel like i never ate all day :-(


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