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What women are saying

12 days past ovulation

Page 95

SamBrez  11 years ago
Tender breasts not painful, bloated and loads of gas, cramps, frequent urination, headache, slow down of discharge


nikkih2013  11 years ago
face is staying red and hot..ears are burning...nauseaous...headache


Starzy  11 years ago
Increased CM, Af like cramps :( Due in 2days.!




Kelley2  11 years ago
Very sore breasts, gassy & cramps.


VioletSnail  11 years ago
increased vaginal discharge, weakness, fatigue, slight nausae, frequent urination,extreme smell aversions,headache


alyssabull  11 years ago
bloated, very tired, craving red meat, breats are very sore! Faint positive on FRER and level 6 hcg at 9DPO


VJoyce  11 years ago
very tender breasts as well especially at night, very full and heavy.


VJoyce  11 years ago
tired, moody, mild stomach cramps, leg cramp, banging headache, extreme bloating and gassy.


kmc2213  11 years ago
cranky, sleepy, cramps on and off, headache on and off all day, starving! weird sore feeling in lymphnode node area underarms, (-) test


jlo800  11 years ago
cramps, back ache, heavy breasts


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