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HELP: terrified of HSG-Hysterosalpingogram should I do it?

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Hi Everyone!!!

I am writing this a bit late since I am supposed to have the procedure done tomorrow, but I am needing some help/support quickly! I have been TTC now for 2 years and 3 months . I have been avoiding this test like the plague and now I live in France and am about to get it done. I am really scared , half of it is about the pain, the other is about complications.
1. How bad is it, really?
2. Do you think there is a cancer risk later from the dye, cancer runs in my family
3. A radiologist is supposed to perform the test, shouldn't it be a dr?
4. Has anyone had success with pregnancy after the test? (I heard it may help by clearing the tubes)
5. What should I do?

Thanks everyone!

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47 Replies • 12 years ago



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41 - 47 of 47 Replies

Hi Fluffmonkey,

Yes, I got the answers to many of my questions. But you know how stubborn questions can be... one always gives rise to a dozen more. The doctor proposed to remove the tube completely to avoid a minute risk of another pregnancy in that tube. But the tube is completely blocked. The dye couldn't even go through... so I don't see how spermies or, for that matter, any zygote could make their way through. I chose to forego the surgery for now... if I happen to defy all odds and fall pregnant in that tube, then I will get the surgery at that moment and then run off to play the lottery.

And I got more details on the infection... it seems all the poking and prodding during HSG did more than just irritate my cervix. It seems that it woke up the sleeping beast, "HPV". I've never had any symptoms of anything in my entire life... and now this mystery parasite has moved in. When it rains it pours. I have another appointment with another Quack tomorrow (mine is on holiday) to see what can be done NOW. And I have another pap in January to make sure those little fu**ers are gone.

On a more "positive" note (I hope), I continue to have cramps, huge & sensitive boobs, a puffy belly, mood swings. I counted backwards in my calendar just to check and, if my body did what it was meant to do, there is a serious chance I could be seeing a in a few days! Ok, so I can get my hopes up a bit, but not my expectations.
is due Tue/Wed... I have a an early detection HPT (12 mlU/mL). Any advice on how soon I can test? The package says 10dpo, but I'm afraid of getting my hopes up
Everyone cross your fingers for me!

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11 years ago

I hope those are all good signs of something good to come :) and if I was you...I would wait closest to AF or the day before testing! Even with those senstive still could be to early to really detect well enough... and for some yes it works but many friends of mine didn't get a good line to later I recommend waiting as long as possible...each day you wait your body will create more and more hcg. I say test the day before AF (gives you a good chance and if you really have the patience wait to day of AF)

I think its okay to put off the surgery if the tube is compeltely blocked, unless they think one day that tube may rupture? then you may want to consider it..and I am sorry they gave you more news about the infection... that stinks. but good is you still have one good tube and there is a chance you may even be pregnant, I hope that you are :)

11 years ago

Sorry for the late reply... internet has gone down once again and I have no promise as to when it will be re-established. Typical in this country.

So.... AF is due today and still no signs. I will be patient until tomorrow and then I will POS. Yay! Signs are still the same... the cramps have let up just a bit, but ever so slightly. I hope this is good!

Update: it seems the HPV diagnosis is not quite so reliable. I got the lab report back today and, from what I can decipher from the scientific french, it is not a conclusive analysis. They only found lesions that, according to my research, is most likely due to the poking around with foreign objects. My hoo-hoo is not a big fan of foreign objects.

For the tube, the doctor didn't say there was a risk of rupture unless I got pregnant in that tube. They caught it early enough last time and if I were to get pregnant again then I would be on their "watch" list. So I think you're right... I don't want to risk the complications of yet another surgery if unnecessary.

Thank you so much for the great vibes Fluff I needed it right now. I never dreamed one year ago that I would be in this situation and it's awesome to have support like yours!

Will keep everyone updated... pray for a !!!!

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11 years ago

Mere, sorry your internet has been down, it stinks not to be able to get online, but glad to see your back agian! I hope AF stays far away and you get a BFP very soon!! I think it is good the signs are all still the same, hopefully that is good :)
Well that is good that the HPV diagnosis wasn't like you orignial thought. and well that is good that your tube isn't in any danger unless you got pregnant in that tube.. maybe on down the road you can have it dealt with or something but it does sound like it would be okay to wait. Sounds like some postive news in there Mere.... I know TTC Journey isn't easy..especially when you pass that year mark... I still have to go for my test but I am not sure if insurance is going to cover it... they wouldn't cover any fertility I may have to wait to go for that..

11 years ago

Hi Fluff,
I'm so sorry insurance doesn't cover! I don't know if it would help, but I know a lot of people from the UK do "medical tourism" to the continent. Medical expenses are so high, even with insurance, that paying the full price in other countries (such as France or Belgium) is still cheaper.
It's just food for thought...

My suggestion is just get it done... even if insurance doesn't cover it. Take it from me, your health is everything. And Lord knows we ain't gettin' any younger.

Let me know if I can send you any information from here... you never know!

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11 years ago

2 BFN's... AF was late for the FIRST TIME in years. I cannot believe I've been having PMS-like cramps for 2 weeks with all those signs... due to HSG? I dunno. Talk about a let-down

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11 years ago

((Mere)) I am so sorry to hear that, I know its heart breakng when you finally think it may be the time... I had that happen to me few months back... I was late and I had cramped awhile too... even seemed to have some other signs and symptoms...and even had a very light period,.... but after multiple BFN it was obvious my body just tricked me... or hormones may have been out of wack.. but the next month was normal agian... this whole TTC journey isn't easy I know... big ((hugs)) to you!

Yeah apparently they want cover anything "fertility" even just the "talk with my doctor" so now I owe $140 just for a talk... I guess I will go in few months...I need to pay off a few things before I can afford to go.

also I am in the U.S.

11 years ago

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