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Would this be implantation?

Hi I had this heavy sticky cervical mucus at 9dpo and It had streaks of hair line blood in the cm and only lasted 8 hours that day at the end of it it just a little bit of bownish discharge and that was it today I just have mucusy cm and I've taken pregnancy tests and they all just keep coming back bfn period due tomorrow what does anyone think was that implantation or no thanks .

9 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

1 - 9 of 9 Replies

Sounds very promising if you don't ever spot before AF actually shows up

8 years ago

I am 6 months off the pill and whereas my other times I got pregnant within 3 months this time I'm on month 6 and nada :(. I've always been pretty regular too 28-30 days. Last month and now I spotted on cd 25 and each time I though would be in but last month I got af and now I don't know what to think :(. Between yesterday and today cd26 when I've gone to the bathroom, out of all those times I saw three times when I wiped streaks of brown/clear mucus, once a drop of dried brown discharge on underwear and once gold brown. I've bean wearing a liner and nothing leaked yet but I'm assuming af is coming. Really due for it in like 2-3 days which leads me to believe it's not ib also bec that happens 3-7 days before af

I do spot before af typically but it wil start a day or 2 max later and i'll spot that whole day brown so I don't get it. I also took a wondfo this morning and bfn :(

8 years ago

Nope I never spot before and my period is sopposed to start today nothing yet and I took a dollar tree pregnancy test last band took it in the morning and still bfn hmm

8 years ago • Post starter

So I think I got my af. It turned red when I wiped and even colored the urine a bit but it's much lighter than my usual af when it does start so who knows I'm just assuming it's af

8 years ago

I'm sorry sourworms .
Moments it probably wouldn't pick it up in a good test until two days post the spotting

8 years ago

My af was supposed to come by the 5th and so far nothing yet and I have cramps like its about to come I just don't feel like testing anymore cause it was neg a few days ago and I just don't want to waste the money on tests frustrating if my af is coming needs to hurry up what do u all think should I just retest again ?

8 years ago • Post starter

Finally got my bfp at 19dpo last night

8 years ago • Post starter

That's great !!!! So happy for you

8 years ago

Thank you :)

8 years ago • Post starter

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