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need some buddies to help get through TTC#2

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I am TTC#2... thought this would be the easiest thing ever since our daughter was conceived by complete accident the first month we stopped contraceptions. Not so easy the second time around!! Who knew right?!

Its been 10 months, I am 7dpo and darn those hpt just sitting in the bathroom calling to be peed on... so i obviously did and what do you know ANOTHER BFN. Starting to lose hope. Tried Clomid, makes me ovulate but thus far no pregnancy. This is my 4th and final month on it. Dont know what else to do?!?!

Would LOVE to have some buddies going through the same thing to talk to about it :)

50 Replies • 10 years ago



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2012mommy. I hate when people tell you to relax you will get pregnant. It doesn't work that way! And IF they can tell me how to relax, I might give it a shot. Lol. How did your herbal consult go? Its good to hear that your dr doesn't think you need more tests right now. Hopefully you get a BFP before the 2 months are up.

Tiffanydoll. sorry that todays test was negative. But it is still early. Stock up on those FRER!!! I wish we got them in south africa!. I ordered 50 IC's. Should be here next week. Right on time for the obsessive testing to start. Wish I had more self control with testing. Told my husband the other day, that I must stop testing in the hopes that the next one will be positive. I am like a gambler. lol

10 years ago

Just my luck they had sold out!! I know what you mean i even once told my husband to hide them from me it was getting so bad. Ive done really well the past few months and not tested much or at all. But this month im going mad.

Ive not been telling the Mr im testing as i just get into trouble for doing it to early

Im still hopefull though.

Thats you 3DPO Autumn yeah?

10 years ago

Can't believe the tests were sold out.. Well... at least that means that there are other people that obsessively test as well

I am anywhere between 3-6 dpo. Had a pos opk. But all the other signs pointed to later O. So not sure... And I don't temp because I just don't get enough uninterrupted sleep with DS.
I WANNA TEST . Symptom spotting so bad this month!

I also don't tell DH that I test. But I think he knows that everytime I come out of the bathroom in a bad mood, that I tested

10 years ago

Cant believe they were sold out!!! Just the luck of a crazy TTC lady ;)! Hopefully they will have soon!!

Autumn, that urge to test is the wooooorst!! its all i can think about once I hit about 5-6 dpo! its insane! I do the same thing, dont tell my hubby but then come out all mad so he knows. Soon though you can start testing like crazy and hopefully get the BFP!

My herbal consult was AMAZING! She asked tons of questions about my periods and just me in general. Said even though I had bloodwork done and it just showed low progesterone, she thinks that they didnt check for the estrogen or maybe they overlooked it or soemthing is up, bc i have lots of symptoms of a estrogen defect as well as the low progesterone. She said my pulse on the right side is intermittent, which also associated with that part of the cycle, so she has me starting herbs this month. I have 4 different blends, kind of awesome she blends them for each individual, one for AF days, one for the estrogen part (CD5 or 6- 10 or 11), one for the more fertile time (CD10 or 11- CD17 or 18) and then one for the progesterone time which is about CD 18 until a period. She said it can take two months to really get the herbs in my system working. She also told me to get more protein she really doesnt think i have enough in my diet. Which when I asked my OBGYN about that she told me my diet was completely fine. Im so excited about doing this, she has such extensive knowledge and i know its not going to hurt my body. Plus she told me to call her anytime any day and i am never bothering her. Such a nice thing to hear after dealing of months of never being able to talk to my doctor!!
I know, super long post, im just so excited about it!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Awe thats amazing that it went so well. that you get your BFP in the next few months. I know my diet isnt great either at the mo its just so hard when your down and all you want is comfort food.

10DPO now and all my "symptoms" have disapeared. Only thing i have now is a stinking cold. Took a internet & FRER this morning and both

Starting to loose hope now

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Autumn - I hope you can hold out testing lol i wish id never started so early. You would think id learn but i never do lol

10 years ago

2012mommy, Great that the app went so well!! Hope that it brings you a BFP soon!

Tiffanydoll, sorry that you got a BFN. have you tested again?

I did test early LOL. Got a FAINT line yesterday. Stark white today so probably an evap. So in a really negative mood today! doens't help that my friend is about to pop and all she can talk about is how uncomfortable she is and how tired she is of being pregnant. SUCK IT UP! AND BE HAPPY!

10 years ago

so sorry Autumn ive been getting stark BFNS all weekend and ive been in a serious bad mood cause of it. I know what you mean.

How many DPO are you now? any more signs?

I really dont want to give up hope this month i still feel pregnant but i know its probably my body playing tricks on me.

13DPO now didnt bother testing this morning getting bloods taken this afternoon for hormones so im sure it would show up. Will get my results and hopefulls DF'S SA results to by friday.

due on thursday but shes been all over the place so im not banking on it.

Hope your both well

10 years ago

I think I am 12dpo today, but might be a early as 7. Urgh. My boobs are still sore, but not like they were a couple of days ago. And I am craving some of the things I did when pregnant. BUT I have craved it before and BFN.
Hope the bloodtests went well. Let us know what they say. Hope you get DH SA soon! And that everything is fine.
I am still gettting BFN, but my crazy mind is blaming the tests LOl. I keep telling myself that if I get another test it will be positive. CRAZY LADY!

10 years ago

Im so glad its not just me! i always blame the tests to haha i took a test monday night 13DPO and was neg. Should get my results tomorrow/friday. Not holding out hope i think AF is coming.

Partners SA was back yesterday but they did say 7-10 days so could be as late as friday. Even monday.

Only signs i still have is the achy legs and backache. Had a few nights of Vivid dreams. Got some mild cramping but i think thats AF showing her ugly face


10 years ago

They said that with DH SA as well. 7-10 days. After 2 weeks we didn't hear anything so we thought it was ok. Stupid dr was on leave or something and only phoned after a month! Was sooo mad.

anyway. Its not my tests. Got another brand and still
I am also starting with cramps. So don't think AF is far

10 years ago

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