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July testers & April babies!

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Alright ladies, so begins cd1 for me... anyone else? I'm hoping for an April baby since my birthday is in April - that would be the BEST birthday present!

193 Replies • 10 years ago



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@kawaii - nooooo, I'm sorry your temp dropped. :(

TTC #1 chem pg at 4 weeks on 7/6/13 User Image

10 years ago

Mammoth - I know exactly how you feel!!!! I also find myself at times gazing lovingly at couples with kids and wanting to be in their shoes so bad :) It's great that you don't feel sad when you see pregnant women, you know that one of these days it might actually be you looking at yourself the mirror! :)

Love - It sucks!!! My temp usually drops before af shows up. According with my graph I should have the af visit today, I still have a tiny bit of hope lol I think I will only lose it once I see the witch..... but the temp drop wasn't a good sign :/

To hell with you af!!!!....

Had to postpone my plans of getting pregnant due to health insurance waiting period. I can only start the Baby Dance on the 3rd of June!!! It really sucks! :( User Image

10 years ago

Re: baby jealousy- I can definitely relate. My bff's daughter just turned one (and she has a step-son) and I just feel like I miss out on so much as she has a friend with a baby the same age so they do a lot together, and with other friends and relatives lots of play dates. She also lives 1+ hr away. I used to go to the "Reel Babies" with her and her friend (yup, at the theatre where you can take your baby). I literally was the only one without a baby LOL

Right now I don't have anyone super close to me (distance-wise, or in my family/friends) who has a baby so sometimes I wonder if I forget how to care for one! LOL Haven't babysat in many years.

Another thing I wonder is if having a child makes it easier to meet people in some ways. ie: you have something in common, attend similar functions, etc. I'm 28 and my DH is 29 and we have a hard time meeting people I think because we are in that weird stage of not wanting to be going out and partying, but also don't have a child so can't really go to a lot of "child activity" type things to meet people. It's weird...not sure if anyone else has experienced this!

On another note, DH has been very supportive through this whole process of TTC. He has been doing his part with eating healthy, not drinking alcohol, etc, etc. I am waiting patiently for late next week to start testing. My sister gets married this weekend so that has been keeping me busy and not thinking about testing.... If AF arrives, it apparently should come right for our 1st wedding anniversary LOL

Good Luck everyone!! Love reading the updates from everyone, great support system!

10 years ago

Hi Everyone! 9 DPO today, BFN on ept digital this morning. I know it's still an early test, but it's hard not to be sad afterwards! :( Still holding out hope for this month! Baby dust to all of us!!! We can do it!

10 years ago

Damn, I think af will show up tomorrow.... I was counting the days wrong. If I have 14 days of luteal phase then af is due tomorrow, not today... I'm still cramping, I've been cramping all day, af really knows how to announce its arrival! :P

Good luck to all who are still in the run! :)

.... and better luck for me and all of us who will have to try again next cycle! :)

Had to postpone my plans of getting pregnant due to health insurance waiting period. I can only start the Baby Dance on the 3rd of June!!! It really sucks! :( User Image

10 years ago

Love, I actually have never POAS. I have promised myself that I will only do that once AF is more than 3 days late. Since my cycles are still regulating themselves after being on the pill for almost 15 years consistently, AF never comes when my calendar says she should. A few months ago, she was 2 days late, so I bought a box of HPTs and decided to POAS the next morning... well, that evil AF was there waiting for me when I woke up. Total let down...

re: baby jealousy... one of my coworkers who I'm good friends with told me this morning that she is 10 wks along and showed me her ultrasound pic. My heart sank, but I put on a good face and smiled and told her how excited I was to be an auntie, but deep down inside, I was hating myself for being so dang jealous.

Kawaii, FX that AF doesn't show up after all! I have another week and a half or so & I've been feeling exhausted and headachy so I'm praying!!! To hell with AF is right! I detest AF!

hhaughn, I can relate - DH and I have had a hard time meeting people as well, and the ones we do meet have kids and don't seem to have a lot of time for the kidless couples. Both of our neighbors have new babies (3 months & 6 months), so they always ask about us having kids...

10 years ago • Post starter

So I'm still spotting - very light brown/kind of pink - have been since Sunday.. which is roughly 3 days before AF is due.. I've had some considerable symptoms like real bad nausea, very tired, slight back pain etc but I got another BFN today.. Has anyone heard of implantation taking 3 days? If it is then it's definitely too early to be testing bc the HCG still needs to build up.. I have some weird cramps but not AF like ones - those are real bad bc of my endometriosis so I'm so puzzled! If I don't have real AF like bleeding tomorrow then I am even MORE puzzled! I just don't know what to do at this point since something is obviously going on but I keep getting BFN! UGH! Good luck to all of you! :)

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10 years ago

Well ladies: it looks as though I will be getting a pregnancy test today. I asked BF's sister to go get me one, since my period never showed today. Crossing my fingers!

User Image

10 years ago

FX for you misskitty!! Keep us posted!

10 years ago • Post starter

Lots of !! I'll be thinking of you!

Had to postpone my plans of getting pregnant due to health insurance waiting period. I can only start the Baby Dance on the 3rd of June!!! It really sucks! :( User Image

10 years ago

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