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POS Success story!!

Hi ladies

I have been meaning to write here but for a while now,

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome 3 yrs ago after I went to the doctors because I didn't get my period for 5 months after been regular all my life. I then only got my period every 2-3 months

Me and my partner where ttc our first child for nearly 2 years with no success. Last year in January I finally gave up, unt il in April 2014 I took a pregnancy test and I couldn't believe my eyes.... 2 red lines came up!! The strange thing was I didn't get my period in February I tested 1 March n it was negative I tested mid March still negative and no period I then tested 6th April n boom there I was a positive .. At that time I was 9 days past ovulation. I later found out I got pregnant on day 44!!! Of my cycle!! Even my doctor could believe it. I was in such shock I took around 3 pregnancy test every day for about 3 weeks because I couldn't believe it was true. Then once it sank in that I was pregnant I was worried something would happen because I got pregnant so late into my cycle plus I read all the horror stories online of miscarriages n eggs going "bad" after day 14 of a cycle... But now I have a healthy beautiful 2 month old boy. So ladies please do not loose hope!

The only thing I did different was I started eating healthy , taking vitiamins, n taking extra folic acid. I also had absolutely no symptoms at all until week 6 of my pregnancy n then all the symptoms hit me hard!!

If you have any Qs please feel free to ask!

2 Replies • 9 years ago



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Congrats to you! I was diagnosed with PCOS over 3 years ago and my husband and I have been ttc on and off for 2 and half years with no luck so far. I have modified my diet. I have also been taking clomid and metformin. I have lost weight. I am current 9dpo from a natural cycle start. I hope i have good luck with this cycle!

9 years ago

Thank you for sharing this it really is nice to hear success stories, congratulations! xxx

9 years ago

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