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HCG levels...a little scared

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I've had 4mc and they all started with a low HCG level. I'm currently 4w5d (I think) and had a blood draw yesterday. My hcg is at 87. I've looked at a ton of charts and I know that what matters most is that the numbers double in 24-72 hours....and I have another blood draw tomorrow....but I was wondering if any of you ladies have had low hcg early in pregnancy but continued on without any problems. I'm just scared...and praying for my little bean. Please share your success story!! I need some reassurance! Thank you!!!

416 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yeah, it's been kind of a sad day. I feel bad for Barry. He was really looking forward to this job. But everything happens for a reason, right?

I'm making 10 centerpieces. I'm going to have a kids table with things to keep them busy but they will only have balloons for a centerpiece. More room for coloring and making a mess. lol The suckers on top of the centerpiece have tags too. I took the picture before I added the tags. I'm still trying to figure a few things out for the table decor but I think we have everything else under control.

I'm so glad you're past the really bad part. Take all the time you need sweet pea. xo

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey, hunny bunny! How was your weekend?

Mine was fairly uneventful...but I did finally get my hair done! I feel sooooo much better!!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_2552_zpse9c537bd.jpg"/></a>

I just wanted to check in since I haven't talked to you in a minute!! Hope all is well!! Thinking of you!!

11 years ago • Post starter

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oops. lol

11 years ago • Post starter

The highlights and the ombre effect in your hair is amazing!!! I love love the color. Beautiful!!

Well. Saturday night I went to the bathroom and had tihs pain in the lower pelvic area. It would not get better, and in fact, got much worse. I ended up on my hands and knees in so much pain I agreed to go to the hospital. While I was there they did an transvag. ultrasound (nothing in uterus, one cyst on each ovary), some blood work, a pelvic (open a fingertips width), and gave me pain medication. The doc came in and said the ultrasound was negative for ectopic, my hcg was 219, but my white blood cell count was 18,000. She asked me to give a urine sample, which I was now on Percocet, because she wanted to see if the elevated white count was coming from my urine. When I worked in the ER we always got cath urines from our patient's with abdominal pain and an elevated white count just in case the sample becomes contaminated when the person is giving it. I was on Percocet so I thought nothing of it. The doc came back in the room and said "well, it looks like you have the beginnings of a UTI" and she sent me home. Well, I started thinking on Sunday that I had no symptoms of a UTI~ No frequency, no burning, no irritation....I also gave a sample that obviously would be contaminated. On Monday I had one of the doc's I work with look at the urine and there wasn't any bacteria in no UTI. He wanted me to call my OB right away. My OB is always off on Monday, and when I did get a return call from the on-call doc she said I do have a UTI and to continue taking my meds. I tried to explain to her why I didn't think it was (my concern being it was a UTERINE infection-which would mean the antibiotics that they gave me wouldn't work) but she sounded very rushed and blew me off. I finally got a hold of my doc yesterday and was explaining everything and he said "Shannon, stop taking the antibiotic. You do not have a UTI" THANK GOD!! It was making me so sick. He also wanted to see me today to do a pelvic and check for retained products of conception....I asked about if the ultrasound would have shown that, and he said "at this point I need to see you. You pay me to take care of you right?" He made me cry. I have been so frustrated and scared. I wish I could have just seen him Saturday. I'm sorry for the book. I've had nausea and a headache for the past 3 days (I think the antibiotic). I have unfortunately also developed a toothache. Good grief. My body needs some tender loving care after all this :)

SO....How do you feel? How's the baby??? My friend is 20 weeks and her ultrasound picture is AMAZING!! You can see a little silhouette totally looks like it has her nose and lips....she has all boys too...I hope she gets a girl. She won't find out the sex (driving me insane). After this week I will have to start really planning her shower. I hope to just feel good for it soon. When is your shower??? And when are you due again...remind me....

11 years ago

Oh my goodness, you poor thing! So when are you scheduled to go in and see your Dr. then? I really hope they figure out what is going on soon and get you feeling better. What a terrible couple of months this has been for you. You need a serious vacation, girly!! xoxoxo

I'm good. Baby is good. I have another u/s next Tuesday morning. Dr. wants to check my amniotic fluid levels since they were elevated last time. He'll also check the choroid cyst on baby's brain. I'm praying it's getting smaller, or better yet, GONE! This little dude is a mover and a shaker!! He never stops! But I love it. There aren't many waking moments when my hand isn't on my tummy. I don't want to miss a thing. And Barry was able to feel him a few times now too. He talks to my belly a lot. I love it. We still haven't picked a name but he's getting a little more receptive to some names. He's considering Caden, Kael, and Blake. I'm rooting for Blake. I love that one, out of the 3. But I'd survive with Caden too., maybe. Anything is better than Bo Jackson! lol I'm due August 3rd, but my Dr. thinks I'll go the end of July some time. I tend to have my babies a few days or a week early and I have big babies. (8lbs 3 oz and 8 lbs 15 oz).

My shower is June 9th. I got the centerpieces done but I'm thinking of adding something really cute. When I do I'll post a picture but I saw it on Pinterest. You get a wooden rod, kind of like a skewer and you put a white tissue ball (which I'll make by hand) on the top. So it looks sort of like a tree. A white tissue tree. lol Then you have some thread dangling from the bottom of the tissue with little buttons or paper circles on it so it looks like a little cloud with rain. You know..."shower". Like, "Baby shower". I'm thinking it would be cute to make those and have them coming out of the center of the centerpiece. I'm making one this weekend to see if it looks too busy. :-) Invitations are printed but need to be assembled. Pin the Sperm on the Egg poster board is drawn but needs color. Then I need to cut out the little spermies. :-) I hope that's isn't too inappropriate of a game to have with children present. O_o I made signs for all the games and activities to match the "She's about to Pop" theme. They're cute. We're going to have a basket of disposable diapers for people to write little messages on for late night diaper changes. There will be one basket for mommy, and one for daddy. My sister is making a guess the date calendar. And I made little cards for people to fill out to guess the weight and length, if they want to. Just for fun. I need to make the little popcorn containers for the tables yet. Still not sure how I'm doing it. Might use white lunch sacks and just decorate them. Everything is coming along great. :-)

I'm also working on Caleb's graduation party stuff. I've been really keeping myself busy. Time seems like it's just flying by. I can't believe I'm 23w4d already. Holy cow. And my baby is leaving for basic training in less than 4 months. :-( Sniff, sniff. I'm still toying with some ideas for his party. It's harder than the baby shower.

I'm glad you are going to see your Dr. and again, I'm so, so sorry you're going though all this. Maybe they'll have to do a D&C after all? I would consider it if they suggest it. You don't want an infection that affects your uterus or female reproductive organs...especially if you plan to try again in the future. Protect that environment the best you can, girly. xoxo

I'm so happy to hear from you and I hope to get better news from you after your appointment!!

11 years ago • Post starter

I saw my OB and he did a pelvic and an internal and thinks that I do not have a uterine infection and that the white count has to do with my sore tooth. He (thank god) took me off of the UTI medication (bactrim) which was making me sick and put me on some Amoxicillian for my tooth. Soooo...
I saw the dentist yesterday. I have two huge abcesses and need two teeth pulled :o He does IV sedation, so I know I'll be able to do it. I am scheduled around mid may. I'm glad. I was feeling super good Sunday and Monday, but yesterday crashed after work early and had some, of what felt like, menstrual cramping. I started bleeding again. I wonder if I'm getting my period now...I had my hcg drawn was 72 ish last week.

Did you have the ultrasound?? Is the cyst gone? That is so awesome you and Barry can feel him now!! It's nice you guys have narrowed to three to choose!!! I like them all, really.

I am almost ready to start on her week I think. I just finished a leadership class and will be starting stats at the end of the month. yikes.

Graduation and leaving....poor momma. Time really really does fly by. I see my 17 year old walking around the house and it really makes me wish we had all of that time back....cookies and cartoons...coloring and hanging out.....

I hope you are doing well....xoxo

11 years ago

Oh my gosh, girl! What a day!!!

U/s yesterday went very well. Cyst is GONE!!! Woo Hoo!!! Amniotic fluid was within normal limits. Baby weighs 1 lb 12 oz. His other measurements have him growing right on track, 24 weeks 4 days. :-) His heartbeat was 143 and he was kicking and moving all over the entire time! Me and the tech kept giggling because he kept kicking right where she was putting the doppler. lol Little stinker!
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Here he is!!

And we haven't narrowed it down to 3 names. Those were just the 3 we were talking about that particular day. We are still at odds. lol

Baby shower stuff is coming along. I added a little to the centerpieces:
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Sorry about my messy bed. I added a cloud and rain. You know, so it looks like a shower. :-) That is my trial and error victim. lol I'm making the 'showers' shorter and putting more 'rain drops' on them.
Then here are the invitations (I blurred the info for safety reasons):
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I just need to add my Target registry card and they're ready to go :-)

I'm glad you are getting that dental issue taken care of. How scary! I hate dentists. lol You know, those infections can get in your blood and could be why your pregnancy wasn't successful! Poor girl! I hope it's a quick, painless procedure. xo

Well it was really good to hear from you!! I have to get going but don't be a stranger!! xoxo

11 years ago • Post starter

I just burst into tears. His cyst is gone.....that's so so great. Little baby is doing fine ***phew****~~ So so so happy for you guys :) Awesome little picture!!

BWAHAHAHA!!! I thought it was amazing you guys only had 3 names!!!

Your shower stuff is AWESOME!! I wanted to make those puffs and hang them from the ceiling in grey and another color, but I really really like your pole idea. I LOVE your idea to add the registry cards and childrens book.....I would LOVE to pick out a little kids book for a shower....I love reading with little ones. I'm stealing lots of your ideas.

Yeah....with two large abcesses I'm sure that's what happened. A white count of 18,000 isn't a great enviorment for a little embryo who's developing and sharing a blood supply with its mom. I will have IV sedation for that, so I will be fine :)

11 years ago

So, totally off subject...

I've been having to use Firefox browser to view this website because Chrome doesn't like it, apparently. In Chrome, it cuts off half the conversation. I don't have a problem with any other site, just this one. Grrrrr...

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Been a busy bee. :-) Gabe has to go to the podiatrist today for planters warts. (I don't know if I spelled that right btw). He's so scared. I feel so bad for him! I've never had them but Barry has. When he was little he had them froze off. Did I say that right? I'm all kinds of loopy today. lol Anyway, the kid has Ohio Achievement Assessments at school all this week and he can't concentrate because all he can think about is the podiatrist appointment. He has one that's pretty deep. I don't know what they'll want to do as far as what method they'll use to remove it. I just know that it needs to be gone!

If we get out in time, I'm going to do my 1 hour glucose test today too. Wish me luck! I'm a little nervous. I've gained 16 lbs. so far. I guess that's not too bad....but I'm nervous anyway. I tried to keep my sugar intake low yesterday and I'm drinking lots of water today. I ate a lot of protein for breakfast too. I'll be doing it around 430, if I can. I don't want to go back for the 3 hour test so I really, really hope I pass. lol

On a funny (sort of) note, Barry and I were at my sisters not too long ago and a friend of hers was there. She has 5 children. Her oldest is 24 and her youngest is 5. She asked me what I was having and I told her another boy. She said "are you going to try one more time for a girl?" I said, "probably not" and then laughed a little. She said, "You know, usually after the 3rd boy, most women will get their girl". Barry couldn't speak fast enough when he blurted out, "Don't tell her that, she'll be pregnant again this time next year!" He sounded generally worried that I would, too. lol I said, "no worries, hunny. This is the last one." If we could afford it, I would so try one more time though.

How are you doing? How's the tooth situation? You said you're scheduled to get that taken care of in May, right? I hope you aren't suffering in the meantime!! Hope all is well, girly!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Bah! I use chrome to view this too.....I do see how things are cut off a bit.

Poor kiddo. I hope Gabe's visit goes well...does Barry remember anything from having them taken off when he was little? I just found out yesterday that our Caleb will need braces (11 years old). He is very very upset. He has a crossbite though and now is the time to do it. I feel so bad for's strange to want to protect them from any pain or hurt, but then having to make them do something because it's the best thing to do. So hard :(

I hope your glucose test goes perfect. I never had to do the three hour one....hopefully, you'll just sail through this one and be done. FX crossed for you!!!

Well~ One can never say what will happen in the future....maybe you will fall pregnant by accident and have a little girl :) You never know momma!!

I have finally situated my tooth issue. I will be taking off two days the 23rd and 24th. I am pretty anxious to have them out. I want to start exercising and being healthy....can not wait. Beep.

I am lightly bleeding now. (still). A few times there's a "gush" and then usually a clot/tissue....things are winding down....I feel "empty" if that makes sense. There's just a different feeling when you're hcg was thirty something last week. They want another draw this week...supposed to be today, but I'm not doing it until Friday. I'm just sick of getting my blood drawn.

xoxoxo!!! Take care!!

11 years ago

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