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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 6

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This is for all the ladies who have been trying to conceive and are now giving Clomid a try. Feel free to share anything you want and don't worry about TMI, we've heard it all! Baby dust!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

336 Replies • 11 years ago



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Ok, I am thoroughly confused right now. Like major.

I didn't test yesterday at all. After hearing the 7miu number from the beta, and starting to bleed red (TMI, not just spotting, it was enough to drip into the toilet and require a pad), I didn't think it was necessary.

Today, on a two hour hold I tested on a whim. Just wanted to be sure it was zero so I could start taking more clomid tomorrow. It wasn't negative. It's still faint, but it is still positive. I've been bleeding for two days. I had wicked cramps yesterday. I got drunk last night.


I guess I'll go for another beta tomorrow, just to see what is what. I'll post the test from two days ago, and the one from just now for comparison.

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Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

Okay, that, is the craziest thing ever. Um, not sure what to say here except, huh??? Okay, I've heard of those women who have extremely low HCG for the first month of pregnancy but still carry the pregnancy through. Jeez Melissa, could this be you? I mean the very last thing I want to do is get your hopes up but, come on, that line shouldn't be there, not if you number went down from 7. That would make no sense. You are soooo going for another beta ASAP lol.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago • Post starter

I would love to be one of those "stories". Right now my biggest worry is that it is another ectopic. I'll go tomorrow for the beta, and see what happens from there.

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

I'm still bleeding red, though its more like heavy spotting, but I still tested positive this morning. I'm going for my beta shortly. I more than likely wont get the results until tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted then.

Here is this mornings test, on a 2 hour hold with somewhat diluted urine.

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Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

lisserb: that is strange that u are still getting a positive...who knows maybe ur beta is going to start doubling like it should. is this similar to before when u had a tubal pregnancy? i pray that is not happening for u again!!! lets hope its good news when u get ur beta done today!

as for me i am still testing positive on hpt from trigger shot it is faint on dollar store test though...does anyone know from experience if it will go completely neg and then if i was pregnant turn positive or would it just stay positive?

11 years ago

Kmison, my last tubal was completely symptomless. I had strong BFP's starting at 13dpiui, and the tests got noticeably darker each day. I did two betas at 18 and 20dpiui and they were 387 and 823, so more than double. I didn't spot or bleed at all except for a bit on 10/11dpiui. I didn't know until my 6 week ultrasound that it wasn't a normal pg.

With my last chemical, I had faint tests, and my beta at 13dpiui went from 7 to 26 to 17 to 0 over the next week. I didn't spot or bleed until I hit 5 weeks, and by then I knew it was over because of the betas.

This one I started to bleed like AF at 15dpiui, and now at 17dpiui I still have BFP's and red spotting. Guess I'll know more tomorrow.

As for the triggers, I always have negatives by 10days past the trigger, usually about 8dpiui. If it goes negative for a couple days then starts to show positive again, it'll be real. Good luck!!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

Liserb and Hopeful... I am so sorry for this stressful week you had. I just read your posts and I am really so touched! For one thing I am sure ... you are so good both of you and I know that your kids will be very lucky to have you as moms!!!!

For me... I ovulated. I know when I ovulated but I just dint have intercourse at the right day (Last intercourse on Thursday evening and Ovulation on yesterday or maybe today. I feel somehow bad for missing the chance and maybe guilty that I missed the chance!

11 years ago

Lisserb- I can't wait to hear your results, I'm so darn curious as to what's going on and I can't help but think it has to be a good thing.

Kethryes- Thanks hon:) As for bad timing, bare in mind that sperm can live up to 72 hours on average and sometimes longer so while it's not perfect timing it's not all that bad. Fingers crossed and lots of baby dust!!

Kmison- Anything can happen, I'm learning that a lot these days. I do believe it would be super super rare to test BFP any earlier than 9dpo and that alone would be super rare. So, it IS possible to never get a negative result if your HCG from trigger lasts that many days. But again, it's gotta be pretty rare so I would still be waiting for it to turn negative first. I'm sure you've mentioned it a thousand times but what day are you on again?? You need to get a countdown ticker so we know what days you are on lol.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago • Post starter

I tried to do countdown ticker but it didnt work right...any suggestions? well I got the trigger on cd19 so I am on cd24 and depending on if I ovulated the next day which according to digital opk I got a smiley face. So maybe 4 or 5dpo! This is my first time with clomid and trigger. My dr said I can get blood work friday which would only be 9 or 10dpo. Is that even smart to go so soon or will it give mixed results bc its so early ? What do u think...

11 years ago

Back from my short hiatus... it was harder not having anyone to talk to and I miss you ladies! I wasn't able to catch up on everyone, but just wanted to say-

lisserb, I am so sorry for your confusion and everything you are going through! It's hard enough having a loss, but I can't imagine how hard it must be not knowing whether you are actually losing the baby or not. Being foggy on what's going on is the worst.

hopefulll the story about your brother is just infuriating! I wish there was something to say to make it better. I just can't believe they'd only been together for three months. That makes my skin crawl. I wish it was April Fools :( Also, it's really funny that you asked if Lisserb's name was Allison, because that's my name :)

I have a question for anyone with experience with Progesterone. I have an appt. with my OBGYN on Thursday and am going to ask about getting tests done to see if I need Progesterone for after I O. What tests did you do to discover that you needed it? Would you know what other options I should look into? I just want to ask about it because all three of my pregnancies have been early losses. Perhaps I need to move on to a specialist now. I don't know when I need to do that.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

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