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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 6

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This is for all the ladies who have been trying to conceive and are now giving Clomid a try. Feel free to share anything you want and don't worry about TMI, we've heard it all! Baby dust!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

336 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello everyone! I am brand new to this website, let alone this forum! It's great to know that I am not alone!
I had my first encounter with clomid this month. My dr. made me use 3-7 method. I went for an untrasound and there was a really nice looking follicle. She told hubby and I to get busy the next day in the evening! Impatient hubby couldn't wait and decided to do it in the am! LOL! Anyway, I had to travel without him for 4 days after that! Dr. told me not to worry, because the sperm would survive for 3 days or so. Now I am having alot of pregnancy symtoms and I am so anxious! I am scared to test! I believe that I am 9 dpo and I am not testing until I officially have a missed af! My hubby is so supportive and I feel like he wants this baby more than I do! (God bless him). Anyway, My dr. said that she doesn't want me to losr hope if nothing happens this month, that we will keep working at it! Anyway, I really like this forum and I spread baby dust to all of us!!! Mrs.K!

11 years ago

FYI Ladies,

I did the ovidrel trigger yesterday, which pumped me fll of hcg. For the fun of it I took some ic opks and hpts from amazon. The opk looks barely looks positive. The hpt is super light. Much lighter than wold be expected considering I had a syringe full of hcg put into me yesterday. I posted the pic of the hpt. Certainly will not be using these any more, as I'd probably need to be 8 months preg to get a positive! Just thought you guys should know that some of these tests from amazon are pretty poor quality.

11 years ago

Just got home from our first ultrasound. God has blessed us greatly. :) One little baby with a real strong heart beat. Hubby and I are soooo happy. Everything looks perfect. Measuring at 5 weeks and 6 days. <3

Still praying for all of you and I know that God will bless you all as well. Take breaks when you need them, but never give up on what you can't go a day without thinking of. Sending baby dust to each and every one of you.

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11 years ago

Jamienix- Yeeeah! That's great news!! Congrats again!

Mrs.K- I think its awesome you are able to wait until missed AF. I say I'm going to wait and I never do! I can't help it:( I'm an addict but there are no meetings for this addiction. But if the first step is admitting it, then I'm already 1/12 of the way to being cured, right? lol. Anyway, I hope the symptoms you feel are real early pregnancy symptoms. Baby dust to you too!

Mishell83- I think you may be right about those cheapies on amazon. I had a few faint BFP's using them, so either I had a few chemicals or they are unpredictable. I stopped using them a few months ago for that reason. Some people swear by them though. I also take the trigger shot. Isn't it strange seeing a BFFP(big fat fake positive )? Are you going to test it out? Meaning, test at around 8 dpo to see if it's out of your system? I did that just for kicks and it was already gone by 9dpo.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago • Post starter


Yes. I do plan on testing it out. I'll probably use different tests though. I thought T would be way darker the day after the injection...

As far as fake positives, I'm so used to having positives that turn negative after a week. I've had 4 early losses.

11 years ago

hopful: I think the idea of fibing a little is ok seeing how stress is not good for trying to get pregnant or when u do get pregnant! I am thinking about telling everyone after this 3 month round of clomid we r taking a "break" bc its hard feeling like ur failing at somthing u want so bad! But somtimes its nice being able to talk to them also...ugg just wish it would hurry up and happen so i can move on to the next chapter in life ...u know?
mishell: so how did the trigger shot feel? ne pain ? i am yet to get to take one! hopefully next week this time i will! Sorry for ur losses! I have had 2 early ones and i know how it feels to have one day then the next...its like a knife to the heart!

Has anyone heard of this second 5 day round of clomid on cd12-16? I never have heard of this before and just wondering what its going to do to me? I know i dont ovulate this early in cycle normally but now its going to put me right back at ovulation late around cd20???

Trying to stay hopeful but geez its hard somtimes not to say "why me?" it is reassuring that some people on this forum are having their & !
I sure hope some more are one their way this month!!!

11 years ago


I'm thinking of you today. I know the US wasn't what you were hoping for. My US was also disappointing (only on follicle /on the small side of mature) .

The trigger shot was not painful. I had DH give it to me. I was surprised at how easy it was (I hate shots). But I don't think I would have been able to do it myself.

How was your uterine lining? Mine was so thin the dr prescribed estrogen.I definitely didnt respond very well to clomid.

All my rpl tests came back normal, normal saline sonohystogram, normal hormone levels, plenty of eggs in reserve... I'm still waiting on Karyotype analysis. But so far no explanations an no solutions for why I can't sty pregnant.

11 years ago

Thanks Michell! how big was ur follie? I am just hoping one gets bigger by next week! The dr didnt say ne thing about the lining but i did ask the u/s tech and she said from what she could tell it was ok...but who knows what it will look like by next tuesday's u/s and 5 more days of clomid! my dr wont run ne more tests until i have a 3rd loss which i am praying doesnt happen! but u never know! i am really trying to stay positive but my cousin is due with her 3rd baby in 3weeks and that just happens to be when my first due date would have def feeling more depressed about that! and did i mention she cant afford to take care of herself let alone another baby! but i try not to judge but i just dont get it sometimes!! i am trying to not question why for others who dont want and cant take care of a child are so easliy pregnant and go on to not think twice about the thought or pain of not being able to have a baby!
for lots of

11 years ago


I had just one follicle at 18. I know what you mean about due dates for miscarriages. I hunk about it too. I would have been due December 2nd if my first pregnancy lasted.

It is hard not to be jealous of people who get pregnant by accident. I spent so much time making sure I didn't get pregnant, getting an education, good job, terrific husband... And now that I'm ready... My body seems not to be.

I don't feel bad when people around me get preg, but I go crazy when I see them doing things they shouldn't be doing (eating foods they shouldn't eat, drinking, too much caffeine ) .

I think that those of us who struggle with infertility, and go through all of this craziness to have a child, may eventually be more responsible thoughtful parents. I'm sorry but people who have "accidents" that bring life in this world may not always be the most responsible parents.

Sorry for he rant. Maybe the clomid/ovidrel is casing some mood swings

11 years ago

Hello ladies! Lots of activity this afternoon.

First, Jamie! So glad you've got a good strong and healthy bean in there!!

babypbaby, sorry AF showed. :(

Welcome to Mrs.K, here's to a quick trip on this thread for you!

kmison, I have never heard of taking clomid twice in the same cycle. Hopefully it gives the results you are looking for! Are you using opk's to make sure you don't get a surge before you trigger? I think you're going to end up with a super-sized follicle, I just hope you don't surge before the next ultrasound.

Mishell, my triggers always take a good 24 hours to show up darkly. I'm 5dpiui today and still have enough in my system to register positive on a test. I bruised myself with my shot again this month. That is the second time I've done that.

I'd have been due in two weeks too, if I hadn't lost mine to ectopic. I have two friends who are due to give birth by C/S this week, and they had due dates the same time as mine.

Amanda, I am testing out my trigger right now, so I know I have that in my system still. I plan on testing every other day until about 10dpiui, then I'll bump it up to every day.

I had a clear positive where I was sure it was not trigger at 12dpiui with the ectopic, but I got my first faint at 10dpiui that cycle. With the chemical I had my first faint at 11dpiui, but wasn't sure it was not trigger until 13dpiui when it got darker. That was testing with frer's. Using the procare dollarama tests, I got positives at 12dpiui and 14dpiui for the same cycles. Last cycle I had very faint positives at 11 and 12dpiui, but I wasn't pg, so I'm not sure if it was still trigger getting picked up, or just bad indent lines on the tests.

I've only shared with close friends about the fertility issues we are having. I'm fairly "lucky" (if you will-I don't wish this on anyone) that my inner circle of friends have almost all had fertility issues too. Lots of miscarriages, IUI's and IVF's, so we all pretty much understand each other. I don't think I'd be sharing at work, if I worked, those struggles. It's just too personal. I see nothing wrong with fibbing to keep your sanity.

Sorry if I've missed anyone, there was a lot to try to read and respond to.

Hope everyone has a good week!!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

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