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New Cycle .. who’s with me??

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Hi Ladies!

CD 1 here!! Another failed TTC attempt. Here’s to hoping for a bfp this cycle!!

153 Replies • 4 years ago



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Hi ladies! Thought I'd join in :)
I'm 2dpo. This is my 5th cycle TTC. I really hope it happens for me this month!!!

Just have to get through this 2ww.

4 years ago

Hey Nadine! Welcome!!

Ya I’m not sure what dpo I am at this point... I’m some where between 4dpo and 6 dpo. I had a little spike after positive OPK, but then a few days after that had another spike, and my app changed my O date and pushed it back a couple days.. I don’t know what to believe. I’m convinced it was the first date as I had some cramping that day on my left side.

I’ve had absolutely no symptoms so far, which is great! Cuz I won’t Symptom check lol
Maybe it’s a good sign that I feel nothing, because I usually do, and I always turn up not pregnant.
Ahhhh .. the weekend couldn’t come soon enough!!!

4 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies and welcome Nadine!

How’s everyone been doing? 11DPO for me and had a BFN. I had BFPs on 8DPO my last two cycles so I’m guessing this wasn’t my month. Expecting AF to come soon.

FX for the rest of you!!!

4 years ago

Oh man @Colie, hopefully it'll show up soon! I've heard of lots of women who get BFPs on completely different days than previous pregnancies!

Ladies, I fell pregnant on cycle 2, but unfortunately ended up having a chemical pregnancy. Before i got my BFP, I had the clear symptom of frequent urination from 4-5dpo. Do you always have the same symptoms each pregnancy? Cause I'm on the look out for frequent urination, but maybe symptoms change each pregnancy?

4 years ago

Nadine so sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy. They are such a bummer; I’ve had two myself. On the first one my symptoms were frequent urination, sore breasts and exhaustion. The second one I only had sore breasts. So in my experience, symptoms can be different for each pregnancy!

4 years ago

Thanks so much Colie!

Yeah it was really disappointing. But the good news is that we know we can fall pregnant! And thats a blessing in itself :)
How long have you been TTC for?

4 years ago

Nadine I’ve been TTC for my first since April so I’m currently on Cycle number 4. How about yourself?

4 years ago

Currently on CD 22 , but this cycle has been a mess for me. Two weeks after AF I started bleeding again , seemed like a whole nother period. Not sure what's going on but havent tracked anything. Weve just been going with the flow lol. I guess we will see if my next period starts when I think it should. Ive got about 5-6 days. Good luck all.

4 years ago

Welcome Nadine and RosieW

Nadine: Hugs. I hope you get a sticky bean this cycle. Each pregnancy is dif. I have been pregnant 5 times and still waited on that test to say bfp because it always seemed like af would come. I have one special daughter from all those pregnancies. I hope I can give her a sibling one day. FX

Jrosie: Stalking you!! Lol..hope this is your cycle.

Colie: I'm deep in bfn territory too at 12dpo or 13?? It is over but man wish af would get here already.

Hugd all

4 years ago

Colie this is cycle 5 for me! Really hope it happens for us soon :)

Hey Luv! Thank you :) oh wow! 5 pregnancies. I’m sorry for those losses. How did each pregnancy differ in terms of symptoms?

4 years ago

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