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It only seems easy because no one talks about how hard it is. (Pt 3)

December is also the first month that I felt complete control of my body. I was so in-tune with what was going on in my own body I felt like super woman. I was like, "Oh, that's just ovulation cramping." or "My God my breasts are on fire!" or "Wow, no more pickles for me...I HAVE to be preggo." Yeah I should've listened to all those women who warned against tracking "symptoms". The mind is a very powerful tool. When that cycle ended in Auntie Flo, as she is so fondly referred to in our family, I was actually for the first time okay with it. I had seen my temperatures start to fall for a couple days, and I was able to warn my husband that it was coming and while we were disappointed it was okay. Probably due to the fact that we KNEW what was going on.

Not sure of the spelling so, [INSERT DRAMATIC MUSIC HERE]

January...the month of new beginnings. At least that's what it felt like when I got to open up a brand-spankin'-new calendar and make the first mark on it... (no not my period, but nice to know you're still with me!) actually truthfully it was much worse than my was a root canal. Yeah ME!! I feel truly blessed to have such horrible teeth. I love my teeth truly I do - I could see how you would think I wouldn't but I do...I promise. (I lie.) BIG SEGUE ....

Anyway, somewhere along the way in like December-ish area I decided to test out the truth behind my suspected Gluten Intolerance. Guess what...Yeah I am. The only upside to giving up the food group I hold nearest and dearest (yeah ya know, bread, cookies, brownies, banana bread, muffins, scones, fresh turkey on whole wheat (because I was trying to be healthy) with loads of Dijon mustard and a slice of pepper jack cheese - ok gotta stop not leading anywhere good) is the resulting weight loss. Yup. I have lost 5% of my body fat with a loss of 13 pounds and 6.5 total inches head to toe. I also think I should add that every time I eat the smallest amount of anything containing gluten I instantly bloat up to a full figured 6 month preggo woman.......not bad when looking in the mirror expectantly...horrible if you are looking in the mirror in anything other than... Enough said.

I should probably end here and allow the one other person reading this (probably my husband because we all know I'm not giving this link to my mother) to get on with their lives.

[end of post]

0 Comments • 12 years ago



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